Computing EXP(x)

Problem Statement

The exponential function, EXP(x), is defined to be the sum of the following infinite series:

Write a program that reads in a REAL value and computes EXP() of that value using the series until the absolute value of a term is less than a tolerance value, say 0.00001.


! ---------------------------------------------------------
! This program computes exp(x) for an input x using the
! infinite series of exp(x).  This program adds the
! terms together until a term is less than a specified
! tolerance value.  Thus, two values are required:
! the value for x and a tolerance value.  In this program,
! he tolerance value is set to 0.00001 using PARAMETER.
! ---------------------------------------------------------

PROGRAM  Exponential

   INTEGER         :: Count             ! # of terms used
   REAL            :: Term              ! a term
   REAL            :: Sum               ! the sum of series
   REAL            :: X                 ! the input x
   REAL, PARAMETER :: Tolerance = 0.00001    ! tolerance

   READ(*,*)  X                         ! read in x
   Count = 1                            ! the first term is 1 and counted
   Sum   = 1.0                          ! thus, the sum starts with 1
   Term  = X                            ! the second term is x
   DO                                   ! for each term
      IF (ABS(Term) < Tolerance)  EXIT  !    if too small, exit
      Sum   = Sum + Term                !    otherwise, add to sum
      Count = Count + 1                 !    count indicates the next term
      Term  = Term * (X / Count)        !    compute the value of next term

   WRITE(*,*)  'After ', Count, ' iterations:'
   WRITE(*,*)  '  Exp(', X, ') = ', Sum
   WRITE(*,*)  '  From EXP()   = ', EXP(X)
   WRITE(*,*)  '  Abs(Error)   = ', ABS(Sum - EXP(X))

END PROGRAM  Exponential
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Program Input and Output

If the input value is 10.0, the following output shows that it requires 35 iterations to reach EXP(10.0)=22026.4648. Comparing the result with the one obtained from Fortran intrinsic function EXP(), the absolute error is zero.
After 35 iterations:
  Exp(10.) = 22026.4648
  From EXP()   = 22026.4648
  Abs(Error)   = 0.E+0

If the input is -5.0, it takes 21 iterations to reach EXP(-5.0)=6.744734943E-3. The value from using Fortran intrinsic function is 6.737946998E-3 and the absolute error is 6.787944585E-6.

After 21 iterations:
  Exp(-5.) = 6.744734943E-3
  From EXP()   = 6.737946998E-3
  Abs(Error)   = 6.787944585E-6
