The arithmetic mean (i.e., average), geometric mean and harmonic mean of a set of n numbers x1, x2, ..., xn is defined as follows:
Since computing geometric mean requires taking root, it is further required that all input data values must be positive. As a result, this program must be able to ignore those non-positive items. However, this may cause all input items ignored. Therefore, before computing the means, this program should have one more check to see if there are valid items.
Unlike a previous example, this program
does not know the number of input items and must handle
incorrect input data and ignore them.
Click here to download this program.! ----------------------------------------------------------- ! This program can read an unknown number of input until the ! end of file is reached. It calculates the arithmetic, ! geometric, and harmonic means of these numbers. ! ! This program uses IOSTAT= to detect the following two ! conditions: ! (1) if the input contains illegal symbols (not numbers) ! (2) if the end of input has reached ! ----------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM ComputingMeans IMPLICIT NONE REAL :: X REAL :: Sum, Product, InverseSum REAL :: Arithmetic, Geometric, Harmonic INTEGER :: Count, TotalValid INTEGER :: IO ! this is new variable Sum = 0.0 Product = 1.0 InverseSum = 0.0 TotalValid = 0 Count = 0 DO READ(*,*,IOSTAT=IO) X ! read in data IF (IO < 0) EXIT ! IO < 0 means end-of-file reached Count = Count + 1 ! otherwise, there are data in input IF (IO > 0) THEN ! IO > 0 means something wrong WRITE(*,*) 'ERROR: something wrong in your input' WRITE(*,*) 'Try again please' ELSE ! IO = 0 means everything is normal WRITE(*,*) 'Input item ', Count, ' --> ', X IF (X <= 0.0) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'Input <= 0. Ignored' ELSE TotalValid = TotalValid + 1 Sum = Sum + X Product = Product * X InverseSum = InverseSum + 1.0/X END IF END IF END DO WRITE(*,*) IF (TotalValid > 0) THEN Arithmetic = Sum / TotalValid Geometric = Product**(1.0/TotalValid) Harmonic = TotalValid / InverseSum WRITE(*,*) '# of items read --> ', Count WRITE(*,*) '# of valid items -> ', TotalValid WRITE(*,*) 'Arithmetic mean --> ', Arithmetic WRITE(*,*) 'Geometric mean --> ', Geometric WRITE(*,*) 'Harmonic mean --> ', Harmonic ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'ERROR: none of the input is positive' END IF END PROGRAM ComputingMeans
it will generate the following output. In this input, all data values are positive and none of them is ignored.1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
Input item 1 --> 1. Input item 2 --> 2. Input item 3 --> 3. Input item 4 --> 4. Input item 5 --> 5. Input item 6 --> 6. # of items read --> 6 # of valid items -> 6 Arithmetic mean --> 3.5 Geometric mean --> 2.99379516 Harmonic mean --> 2.44897938
The output is shown below. It correctly identifies all illegal data input items.1.0 2.0 3.o 4.0 5.0 -1.0 7.0 #.$ 9.0 0.0
Input item 1 --> 1. Input item 2 --> 2. ERROR: something wrong in your input Try again please Input item 4 --> 4. Input item 5 --> 5. Input item 6 --> -1. Input <= 0. Ignored Input item 7 --> 7. ERROR: something wrong in your input Try again please Input item 9 --> 9. Input item 10 --> 0.E+0 Input <= 0. Ignored # of items read --> 10 # of valid items -> 6 Arithmetic mean --> 4.66666651 Geometric mean --> 3.68892741 Harmonic mean --> 2.72236228