! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! MODULE MyTrigonometricFunctions: ! This module provides the following functions and constants ! (1) RadianToDegree() - converts its argument in radian to ! degree ! (2) DegreeToRadian() - converts its argument in degree to ! radian ! (3) MySIN() - compute the sine of its argument in ! degree ! (4) MyCOS() - compute the cosine of its argument ! in degree ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULE MyTrigonometricFunctions IMPLICIT NONE REAL, PARAMETER :: PI = 3.1415926 ! some constants REAL, PARAMETER :: Degree180 = 180.0 REAL, PARAMETER :: R_to_D = Degree180/PI REAL, PARAMETER :: D_to_R = PI/Degree180 PRIVATE :: Degree180, R_to_D, D_to_R PRIVATE :: RadianToDegree, DegreeToRadian PUBLIC :: MySIN, MyCOS CONTAINS ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! FUNCTION RadianToDegree(): ! This function takes a REAL argument in radian and converts it to ! the equivalent degree. ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL FUNCTION RadianToDegree(Radian) IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN) :: Radian RadianToDegree = Radian * R_to_D END FUNCTION RadianToDegree ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! FUNCTION DegreeToRadian(): ! This function takes a REAL argument in degree and converts it to ! the equivalent radian. ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL FUNCTION DegreeToRadian(Degree) IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN) :: Degree DegreeToRadian = Degree * D_to_R END FUNCTION DegreeToRadian ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! FUNCTION MySIN(): ! This function takes a REAL argument in degree and computes its ! sine value. It does the computation by converting its argument to ! radian and uses Fortran's sin(). ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL FUNCTION MySIN(x) IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x MySIN = SIN(DegreeToRadian(x)) END FUNCTION MySIN ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! FUNCTION MySIN(): ! This function takes a REAL argument in degree and computes its ! cosine value. It does the computation by converting its argument to ! radian and uses Fortran's cos(). ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL FUNCTION MyCOS(x) IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x MyCOS = COS(DegreeToRadian(x)) END FUNCTION MyCOS END MODULE MyTrigonometricFunctions