Using Arrays in Computation

A few short examples that illustrate the use of arrays in computation are presented here.

  1. Clear an array to zero
    INTEGER, PARAMETER              :: LOWER = -100, UPPER = 100
    INTEGER                         :: i
       a(i) = 0
    END DO
    In the above code, the DO variable i runs from -100 to 100. For each value of i, array elements a(i) is set to zero.
  2. Set an array element to its index or subscript.
    INTEGER, PARAMETER          :: BOUND = 20
    INTEGER                     :: i
    DO i = 1, BOUND
       Array(i) = i
    END DO
    This code sets array element Array(i) to i. Thus, Array(1) contains 1, Array(2) contains 2, etc.
  3. Odd indexed elements receive 1 and others receive zero.
    INTEGER, PARAMETER               :: ARRAY_SIZE = 50
    INTEGER                          :: Element
    DO Element = 1, ARRAY_SIZE
       OddEven(Element) = MOD(Element, 2)
    END DO
    As variable Element runs from 1 to ARRAY_SIZE, the remainder of dividing Element by 2 is used to set odd and even elements.
  4. Compute the sum of array element m to element n, where m <= n are input integers.
    REAL, PARAMETER                     :: MAX_SIZE = 100
    REAL                                :: Sum
    INTEGER                             :: m, n, k
    READ(*,*)  m, n
    Sum = 0.0
    DO k = m, n
       Sum = Sum + DataArray(k)
    END DO
    For each value of k in the range of m and n, the value of DataArray(k) is added to an accumulator Sum.
  5. Compute the sum of the corresponding elements of two arrays into a third one.
    REAL, PARAMETER           :: LENGTH = 35
    INTEGER                   :: Index
    DO Index = 1, LENGTH
       C(Index) = A(Index) + B(Index)
    END DO
  6. Find the larger element of the corresponding elements of two arrays and store it into a third one.
    REAL, PARAMETER           :: LENGTH = 35
    INTEGER                   :: Index
    DO Index = 1, LENGTH
       IF (A(Index) > B(Index) THEN
          C(Index) = A(Index)
          C(Index) = B(Index)
       END IF
    END DO
  7. Compute the inner product of two arrays. The inner product of two arrays is the sum of all products of corresponding elements.
    REAL, PARAMETER                :: VECTOR_SIZE = 10
    REAL, DIMENSION(1:VECTOR_SIZE) :: Vector1, Vector2
    REAL                           :: InnerProduct
    INTEGER                        :: Elements_Used, n
    READ(*,*)  Elements_Used
    InnerProduct = 0.0
    DO n = 1, Elements_Used
       InnerProduct = InnerProduct + Vector1(n)*Vector2(n)
    END DO
    In the above, Elements_Used is read in and indicates that only the first Elements_Used elements will be used for inner product computation.
  8. Find the smallest element and its location of an array.
    INTEGER, PARAMETER            :: BEGIN = -100, END = 50
    INTEGER                       :: Minimum, Location
    INTEGER                       :: k
    Minimum  = Data(BEGIN)
    Location = BEGIN
    DO k = BEGIN+1, END
       IF (Data(k) < Minimum) THEN
          Minimum  = Data(k)
          Location = k
       END IF
    END DO
    WRITE(*,*)  "The minimum is in position ", Location
    WRITE(*,*)  "Minimum value is ", Minimum
    In the above, Minimum is used to hold the minimum-up-to-now and Location is used to record the position of the minimum. At the beginning, there is only one element and it is assumed to be the minimum. Therefore, Minimum is Data(BEGIN) and Location is the first location BEGIN.

    Then, the process starts with the next element (i.e., BEGIN+1). For each element encountered, Data(k), if its value is less than Minimum, then Minimum is no more a minimum and should be changed. The change consists of replacing the minimum-up-to-now with the value of Data(k) and memorizing the location. Therefore, after all elements are processed, Minimum holds the minimum of the array and Location is the location of the minimum.

  9. A simple modification to the previous example can find the minimum of a section of an array.
    INTEGER, PARAMETER            :: BEGIN = -100, END = 50
    INTEGER                       :: Left, Right
    INTEGER                       :: Minimum, Location
    INTEGER                       :: k
    READ(*,*)  Left, Right
    Minimum  = Data(Left)     ! **** changed ****
    Location = Left
    DO k = Left+1, Right
       IF (Data(k) < Minimum) THEN
          Minimum  = Data(k)
          Location = k
       END IF
    END DO
    WRITE(*,*)  "The minimum between ", Left, " and " &
                Right, " is in position ", Location
    WRITE(*,*)  "Minimum value is ", Minimum
    In the above, Left and Right are read in. Then, the code would find the minimum and its location of array elements Data(Left), Data(Left+1), Data(Left+2), ...., Data(Right-1) and Data(Right).
  10. The following code simulates marking a scanned answer sheet.
    INTEGER, PARAMETER                   :: NO_OF_PROBLEMS = 20
    INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:NO_OF_PROBLEMS) :: Solution, Answer
    INTEGER                              :: i, Count, IO
    READ(*,*)  (Solution(i), i=1, NO_OF_PROBLEMS)
       READ(*,*,IOSTAT=IO)  (Answer(i), i=1, NO_OF_PROBLEMS)
       IF (IO < 0)  EXIT
       Count = 0
       DO i = 1, NO_OF_PROBLEMS
          IF (Solution(i) == Answer(i)) THEN
             Count = Count + 1
          END IF
       END DO
       WRITE(*,*)  (Answer(i), i=1, NO_OF_PROBLEMS), &
                   REAL(Count)/NO_OF_PROBLEMS * 100.0
    END DO
    Array Solution() stores the solution, while array Answer() stores a student's answer. The above code counts the number of correct answers and displays the answer and a percentage.

    The outer DO iterates until no student answer is in the input (i.e. IO < 0). For each student, his/her answer is read into array Answer(). The inner DO counts how many answers are correct. Then, the answers and a percentage are displayed.