Instructor: Allan Struthers Office: Fisher 212 Phone: 487-3541 e-mail: Web Site: My schedule: Meeting 2-3pm M/W/F Fisher 131 Fisher ![]()
- Text:
- Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations by the Finite Element Method by Claes Johnson
ISBN: 978-0486469003
- Objectives:
- This course is intended to introduce numerical methods for partial differential equations. This semester we will focus on the finite element method. The book is inexpensive and we will be working directly from it. The text provides an extended introduction to the finite element method with just the right amount of the underlying math. We will cover as much of the material in the text as possible. Substantial computer exercises will be required in this class. No particular computer language is required. Specifically, programs can be written in C, C++, Fortran, Fortran 90, Mathematica, Maple, or Matlab. There may be some students in the class with little programming experience. I will run a "Programming Boot Camp" for these students in the second week of the course.
- HW exams etc.: There will be frequent HW (all equally weighted and mostly computational) and a computational final project that will count as several (we will discuss this in class on the first day) HW assignments.
- Affirmative Action Notice: “MTU complies with all federal and state laws and regulations regarding discrimination, including the ADA Act of 1990. If you have a disability and a need, a reasonable accommodation for equal access to education or services can be made through the Dean of Students office (Gloria Melton 487-2212). For concerns regarding discrimination of any kind, contact your advisor, department head, or affirmative action office. ”