Instructor Name: Allan Struthers
Office: Fisher 206
Office Phone: x3541
Office Hours: Mon & Fri: 10-11 and 14-14:30
Wed: 11-12 and 14-14:30
Texts: Calculus, Single and Multivariable (Third Edition) by Hughes-Hallett, et. al., published by Wiley, 2002.
Getting Started with Mathematica, by Cheung, et. al., Wiley, 1998
Course Objectives:
Students in MA1160 should be able to:
Evaluate and interpret functions and their inverses when information is presented numerically, algebraically or graphically.
Describe the concept and application of a derivative.
Evaluate and interpret derivatives of functions using standard techniques.
Use derivatives in mathematical modeling and application problems.
Describe the concept and application of a definite integral.
Course Expectations:
Students in MA1160 are expected to:
Attend every class, unless excused by the instructor. This also includes attending the lab sessions.
Prepare for class each day. This means that you should read the section being discussed that day, as well as complete all homework assignments. You should expect to spend a minimum of 2 hours outside of class for every one hour of class time.
Take detailed notes in class, and review these notes as part of your class preparation.
Have mastered the prerequisite skills for the course.
Ask questions if something is not clear. This includes asking questions in class, as well as seeing your instructor during office hours.
Turn in assignments on time, showing neat and logical work.
Help: Help is available from many different sources, including:
Your instructor during posted office hours or by appointment;
The Mathematics Learning Center (MLC) in Fisher 128: walk-in hours or personal appointments;
Fellow classmates;
Attendance and participation are crucial to your success in this course. I will be counting on you to be in class and to be prepared. If you are unable to attend a class due to an illness or personal loss, you should contact me as soon as possible.
Basic Skills Test:
On the first Friday of the semester, a Basic Skills Test will be given in class. This test is designed to test your knowledge of material from previous math courses. You need to score 20 out of 25 to receive a passing score. No partial credit is given. If you do not pass the exam on the first try, you will have two other opportunities to retake the test. These retakes will be in the evening, on Thursday, January 23 and Monday, January 27. If you do not pass the Basic Skills Test in three tries, your grade in the course will be lowered one full letter grade (e.g. from a B to a C).
Dropping a Course:
Last day to drop with a full refund: January 17th, by 4:00 p.m.
Drop-date (no grade): January 31st, by 5:00 p.m.
Drop with a "W": March 14th, by 5:00 p.m.
Homework and Quizzes:
Daily homework assignments will be given, some of which will be collected and graded. For problems that are graded, the following scale will be used:
3 = complete, correct, neat and logical; 2 = minor error;
1 = more than one minor error; 0 = not completed or not turned in on time.
Please do not leave ragged edges on papers that you turn in. For each problem, restate the problem, show your analysis, and clearly identify the answer to the question. All of your work must be neat, legible and logical.
In-class quizzes will also be given. The problems on the quizzes will be closely related to those on the assigned homework. It is to your benefit, then, to carefully and completely finish all assignments, asking for help on problems that you do not fully understand.
Four exams and a comprehensive final exam will be given. Test dates appear on the daily schedule. Please mark the dates on your calendar today! All exams during the semester will be given during the regularly scheduled class time. All exams may include both calculator and non-calculator sections. The final is a comprehensive departmental exam, which may also include a calculator and non-calculator section. There will be NO EARLY OR LATE FINALS. Do not make plans to leave early for break until the final exam schedule has been announced.
Midterm Grades:
During the week of February 24-27, your instructor will be reporting a mid-term grade for all first year students, based on your work completed to that point. The report will be either “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory.” Students who have maintained a grade of C (³70%) will receive a “Satisfactory” report.
4 One-hour exams 50%
HW and Quizzes 15%
Labs 10%
Final 25%
TOTAL 100%
If you pass the BST with a score of 80% or better, your final grade will be based on the following scale:
90% A
85% - 89.9% AB
80% - 84.9% B
75% - 79.9% BC
70% - 74.9% C
65% - 69.9% CD
60% - 64.9% D
< 60% F
If you fail to score 80% or better on the BST, your grade will be reduced one full letter grade. We recommend that students who receive a grade of CD or D in this course repeat the course.
If you have a disability that could affect your performance in this class or that requires a special accommodation, please see me as soon as possible so that we can make the appropriate arrangements. The Affirmative Action Office has asked that you be made aware of the following:
“MTU complies with all federal and state laws and regulations regarding discrimination, including the ADA Act of 1990. If you have a disability and a need, a reasonable accommodation for equal access to educations or services can be made through the Dean of Students Office (Gloria Melton 487-2212). For concerns regarding discrimination of any kind, please contact your advisor, department head, or affirmative action office.”