3521 Syllabus

Instructor:  Allan Struthers 
Office:  Fisher 212
Web Site:  www.mathlab.mtu.edu/~struther/Courses/
Schedule huskymail.mtu.edu/home/struther/Calendar.html

Teaching Assistant:  Yejun Gong 
Office:  Fisher 223B
Phone:  487-3135
email:  yegong@mtu.edu
Office Hours M/T/W/Th/F 2:30-3:30pm in Fisher 223B
Help Sessions M/T/W 6:30-8:30pm in F325
Except 10_20, 11_08, 11_17, 11_29 in 129 and 11_15, 12_01 in 326

A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Apps, Zill, 9th Edition
A rapid introduction to elementary Oridnary Differential Equations (ODE)
Reading is assigned each class. Lectures focus on highlighting the main points. Ask questions about points that are unclear.
Homework and Quizzes:
Homework will collected on Thursdays in two forms:
  • A small number of carefully worked and neatly written HW problems;
  • A scantron sheet with numerous multiple choice (MC) questions.
There will be a brief MC Quiz each Tursday on the HW scantron sheet.
There are two identical sections of this course: 9-10am and 3-4pm in Fisher 135. Attend either (or both) sessions.
Grades will be entered and maintained on blackboard. Check at least once a week and report issues to the TA. Grades over one week old are permanent.
Help Sessions
Help sessions run Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings throught the semester.
Scantron Sheets
It is very important that the scantron sheets are complete and uncrumpled.
Homework Return and Grading Questions
The TA will deal with these during Office Hours and Help Sessions
Grading Scale
  • The grading scale is 90/80/70/60.
  • The point breakdown is:
    Quiz - Multiple Choice 30%
    HW - Mulitple Choice 20%
    HW - Written 20%
    Final 30%
    Total 100%