HW2 A) Read the matrix SmallA.mat into the software package of your choice and call it A. B) Read the vector Smallb.mat into the software package of your choice and call it b. C) Use a built in command to solve the sytem A x = b and report the result. D) Create your own linear solver for A x = b without pivoting. You code should be a procedure or function call that takes A and b as arguments and returns x. It should check that the sizes of A and b are compatible. E) Compare your results to those from the built-in code. F) Using a computer command rather than a stopwatch compare the time your command takes to the time taken by the built in linear solver. It might help to try the larger matrix vector pair BigA.mat and Bigb.mat. G) Print of enough stuff that I am confident you completed the tasks. In particular, I want to know the 23rd entry of the solution of A x = b for the large A and b pair.