Section Assignments for 3160 Exam

Sections are from Calculus by Hughes-Hallet et al.

Nicole nlaugust 12.1, 14.5
Erik ecbennet 12.2, 14.6
Karen kcolbert 12.3, 14.7
Thomas tgrassl 12.4, 14.4
Li li 12.5, 14.3
Lu lxiao 13.1,  14.2
Zhan zye 13.2,  12.4
Daniel dvyorgov 13.3,  14.1
Xiaoqi xcui 13.4,  12.3
Douglas dhploe 14.1, 12.4
Erik eewestlu 14.2, 14.6
Adan aniu 14.3,  13.3
Huaizhen hqin 14.4, 14.2

Each question should take a well prepared student 6 mins roughly.  Compare your questions and talk about the material.  Questions should be consistent with the tone, notation, and emphasis of the text.  Li, Xiao, and
Daniel are being froceed to sit in on this section.  They would be good people to talk questions through with.
The main aim of a question should be to see if the students got the main idea of the section.  Some sections
have more meat than others.  If you have a light weight section then feel free to incorporate some material from an adjacent section into your question.  If you have a heavy weight section feel free to only
test one of the main ideas in that section.

In addition to the two comlete questions typed in Mathematica you need to bring some notes to class
next Friday indicating what you think common mistakes would/will be and how you would plan to grade
the results.

Last updated 9/18/2004