#greenSubrat_hw3 says this is the target/prog we want make ~~~~ :Subrat_hw3.o and poly_approx.o says we need these object file to make the prog Subrat_hw3: Subrat_hw3.o poly_approx.o gcc -lm Subrat_hw3.o poly_approx.o -o Subrat_hw3 #this is the command to link the object files (Subrat_hw3.o poly_approx.o) into the prog (Subrat_hw3) Subrat_hw3.o: Subrat_hw3.c master.h gcc -c Subrat_hw3.c master.h poly_approx.o: poly_approx.c master.h gcc -c poly_approx.c master.h clean: rm -f *.o Subrat_hw3