5903 Intro Scientific Prog:
Function Pointers: Specification

  1. Use gsl to make a function called f that evaluates the bessel function of order n at the double value x.  This function should be in a self contained file called f.c.  You should call the function as f(n,c)
  2. Make a function called MakeTable that prints a two dimensional array of function values for any function of the type defined in 1 to stdout.  It needs to use a function pointer.  The calling order for this function should be MakeTable(nMin,nMax,xMin,xMax,dx, f).  nMin and nMax are integer values providing limits for the n.  xMin and xMax are double precsion values providing limits for the x.  The table should be nMax-nMin wide and floor((xMax-xMin)/dx) tall.  MakeTable should be defined in a self contained file.
  3. Standard makefile/readme rules apply.