5903 Intro Scientific Prog:
Muliple Input Files: Specification

  1. Write a program that computes a table of approximate values of the sine using the library sine function and the third degree Maclaurin polynomial in horner form.  The code for the polynomial approximatio maust be in a seperate file.
  2. Make sure that the code compiles with a standard boring makefile and that you comply with all the assignment requirements including the makefile and readme rules.
  3. The input is a sequence of three floating point values on standard in in the order min, max, step.
  4. The output should be to standard out with the following format where each line is a new line, the colums are provided by tabs, the double quotes indicate string literals, the #n values loop from #min to #max in steps of size #step, and the numerical values (indicated by the #) are returned alligned and showing six decimal places. 
    #min #max #step  #n  Name
    "i" "x" "Csin" "Msin" "Error"
    #i #x=#min+#i #step sin(#x) Msin(#x) appropriate relative error