5903 Intro Scientific Prog:
Summer 2009 

Instructor:  Allan Struthers 
Office:  Fisher 212 
Phone:  487-3541 
e-mail:  struther@mtu.edu
Practical Scientific Programming in C.  If time allows we may discuss the organizational benefits of object oriented programming and provide a brief introduction to C++.  Specifically we will discuss: C syntax, compilers, makefiles, programming environments (including debuggers), shell scripts, and general programming style.
  1. C Primer Plus (5th Edition) by Stephen Prata.   ISBN#0-672-32696-5.
We will have extensive C programming assignments. See the evolving list of programming assignments. I hope the initial "Hello World" programs will be very straightforward for some students.  I hope that the assignments will become more interesting as the term progresses.  
The text is thick.   We will have substantial reading asignments.  It is important that you keep up with the reading.  They will get shorter as the term progresses.  
Meeting Times:
The course meets M/T/W/Th 11:00am - 12:20pm in 327B (MathLab) we may occasionally walk across the hall to get away from computers.

Office Hours:
I will hold office hours M/T/W/Th 10:00am - 11:00am and 12:30-1:00pm in the MathLab or my office.

Scientific maturity, organization, and endurance.