5903 Intro Scientific Prog:
Summer 2008 Assignments
- All programs must be submitted electronically as gzipped
archives that unpack into a directory named "Name_HWn" where Name is
your name and n is the number of the assignment.
- The directory must be complete and self contained.
- The program must compile with the gcc compiler using a simple make command. The executable must be named "Name_Hwn".
- The executable must operate according to the program specifications.
- The directory must contain one (or more) "ReadMe" files
explaining usage, any known problems, and how the program was
- We will discuss submitted programming assignments after the deadline in class. For this reason deadlines will be enforced.
- Each assignment will be 10pts. A non-compiling program or
one that does not run correctly on the test problem is a zero. A
compiling program that runs correctly on test problems is at least
7/10. Of of the remaining three points: one is for complying with the
naming and documentation requirements; the remaining two points
are for programming readability and style.
- No "magic" Numbers.
- Meaningful/reasonable variable names.
- Adequate documentation/comments.
- Thorough testing and validation.
- Reasonable code reuse and compartmentalization.
- Assignments: (Due Dates and additional
assignments will appear as we go through the term. Assignments will be
discussed in class)
- Week One:
- Hello World
- Libraries and Makefiles
- Multiple Input Files
- Parsing Input Arguments
- Week Two-Three:
- Limits
- Letter Count A
- Letter Count B
- Coincidence Index
- Week Four-Five:
- Matrix A
- Matrix B
- Linear Solve
- LU Factorization
- End:
- Decryption