#include #include #include #include #include #include #define N 3 //N in the equation is set to be 4. This can be easily changed to produce the desired result. #define MILLISEC_PER_SEC 1000 typedef struct{int n; float *fp;} Vector; //defines a struction for a vector where n is the number of elements it has the *fp is the pointer to the value of each element typedef struct{int n; int m; float *fp;} Matrix; //defines a struction for a matrix where n is the number of rows it has, m is the number of columns it has, and *fp is the pointer to teh value of each element typedef struct{int f; int Df; int DDf;} CountSpecs; typedef struct{int f; int Df; int DDf;} InputSpecs; Vector ReadVect(); CountSpecs Function(Vector Vect, InputSpecs ISpecs, CountSpecs CSpecs); void DestroyVect(Vector Vect);