This program takes input data between 0 and 1, and computes the sins of the values by the Cordic algoriths, the Maclaurin approximation, and the C library function. Input and Output for the program should be in the format of Bo_HW9 < *data file name* > *output file name*. The program scans the data file until it reachs the EOF and outputs the data in the output file. This program was tested for all values of Sin between 0 and 1. The Maclaurin and C librabry values for the sine always seem to be relatively close, while the Cordic values are off by a little. The Cordic values stray farther from the other two when input values are large, and are relatively close to the other two when the unput values approach 0. When the 3 were tested in a data file of 112000 values, the 3 ran for a total time of .68 seconds. Cordic alone ran for .38 seconds. The Maclaurin method alone took .32 seconds. The C library sine method took .34 seconds. Cordic was, as expected, the slowest method.