in.c is to read in the vectors from standin. It reads and constructs vectors in the format of int float float ... where int is the number of'float's. The array to store vectors is defined as typedef struct { int n; float *p; } Vector; You need to adjust NUM_VEC in header.h to be the same as your vector number, and adjust MAX_VEC_SIZE in header.h so that your vector size is ok, and don't forget save the change. The program is to be run as "./Meifang_HW_11 out". fn.c is to count the number of calls and calculate the value of the function. Thus you can get the result of number of calls (CALL=1) or the value of function (CALL=0) by changing the value of CALL in the header.h. If the result is the value of function, it is in the format:the first value gives the size of the vector, and the following values are its elements.