This program runs faster than HW5 because I mod the primes less than squareroot of k (k is the number we are checking), using the primes theories. This program read an integer number and a filename "File", and the output is written to "File" with the primes in an increasing order, I also print out the value of n and the elapsed time. The graph is not so good but we still can see that the general trend is: when the number of primes increases, the elapsed time also increases. sample resluts: [meifangz@galois6 ~/Meifang_HW_6]$ ./Meifang_HW_6 Input an integer number n 10000 Using 0.00 sec. Input the filename for result: out [meifangz@galois6 ~/Meifang_HW_6]$ ./Meifang_HW_6 Input an integer number n 100000 Using 0.00 sec. Input the filename for result: out [meifangz@galois6 ~/Meifang_HW_6]$ ./Meifang_HW_6 Input an integer number n 1000000 Using 8.00 sec. Input the filename for result: out