This program is designed to accept from standard in a series of double-length floating point values, compute the sins of all of them, and output the time required to compute each one. A demo file is included, which can be invoked by typing make demo Which will compile a program (numberprep10M), generate a sequence of ten million numbers between 1 and 0 (num10M), run Pastore_Hw9 on it and redirect the input to another file (output), and collect the tail value of this file which contains the time statistics(output2), then prompt for the removal of the temporary files (all listed files). The program is divided into four rough chunks, which can better be explained by examining the ordering in the header file and Pastore_Hw9.c. Each method is in it's own file; the two methods btof() and printbin() are not used in this program and can be ignored; they are included for future use.