README This is the readme file for HW_Function Pointer: Example to Use: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ydai@gradient10 Robin_Function Pointer]$ make clean rm -f Robin_BF rm -f *.o rm -f *~ [ydai@gradient10 Robin_Function Pointer]$ make gcc -c -o robin.o robin.c gcc -c -o bf.o bf.c gcc -c -o table.o table.c gcc --L/usr/local/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm -Os -o Robin_BF robin.o bf.o table.o [ydai@gradient10 Robin_Function Pointer]$ ./Robin_BF dsadsa 0.576725 0.568292 0.555963 0.539873 0.520185 0.497094 0.470818 0.441601 0.352834 0.374624 0.395059 0.413915 0.43098 0.446059 0.458973 0.469562 0.128943 0.145277 0.162325 0.179979 0.198115 0.2166 0.235294 0.254045 0.0339957 0.0404526 0.0476471 0.0555957 0.064307 0.0737819 0.0840129 0.0949836 0.00703963 0.00882842 0.0109369 0.0133973 0.0162417 0.0195016 0.0232073 0.0273876 0.00120243 0.0015875 0.00206595 0.00265343 0.00336689 0.00422462 0.00524608 0.00645184 0.000174944 0.000242983 0.000331946 0.000446669 0.00059274 0.000776553 0.00100536 0.00128729 2.21796e-05 3.23938e-05 4.64337e-05 6.54286e-05 9.0756e-05 0.000124077 0.000167375 0.000222993 2.49234e-06 3.82663e-06 5.75345e-06 8.48656e-06 1.23002e-05 1.7542e-05 2.46466e-05 3.41524e-05 2.51539e-07 4.05899e-07 6.39985e-07 9.87953e-07 1.49583e-06 2.22473e-06 3.25472e-06 4.68937e-06 [ydai@gradient10 Robin_Function Pointer]$ [ydai@gradient10 Robin_Function Pointer]$ /////////////////////////////////////////////////// 8/14/2009 Robin