README This is the readme file for HW11: The program is used to find the solution of Ax=b using conjugate gradients algorithm. The i/o functions are in one file "myio.c". The conjugate gradient algorithm function is in the file "fcg.c" I use gsl_blas library to do the program the solution has been checked correctly! the test file is "SampleInput.txt" Example to Use: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ydai@galois5 Robin_HW11]$ make clean rm -f Robin_HW11 rm -f *.o rm -f *~ [ydai@galois5 Robin_HW11]$ make gcc -c -o robin.o robin.c gcc -c -o fgc.o fgc.c gcc -c -o myio.o myio.c gcc --L/usr/local/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas -Os -o Robin_HW11 robin.o fgc.o myio.o [ydai@galois5 Robin_HW11]$ ./Robin_HW11 out.txt [ydai@galois5 Robin_HW11]$ /////////////////////////////////////////////////// the solution above has been proved correctly! the output is saved in the file "out.txt" 8/7/2009 Robin