README This is the readme file for HW7: The program is used to count the number of occurences of each character in a file. The output should be a list of the non-zero count character codes (and symbol if printable) and their counts each on a new line with the character followed by two spaces and then a left justified long integer giving the number of occurences of that symbol. Example to Use: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ydai@gradient1 Robin_HW7]$ clear [ydai@gradient1 Robin_HW7]$ make clean rm -f Robin_HW7 [ydai@gradient1 Robin_HW7]$ make gcc -lm -Os -o Robin_HW7 robin.c [ydai@gradient1 Robin_HW7]$ ./Robin_HW7 Read the file: CountATest3.txt Output file: duck3.txt [ydai@gradient1 Robin_HW7]$ /////////////////////////////////////////////////// testing results are duck1, duck2 and duck3.txt 7/9/2009 Robin