(* * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-8 Matteo Frigo * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-8 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * *) open Util open Genutil open C let usage = "Usage: " ^ Sys.argv.(0) ^ " -n " let uistride = ref Stride_variable let uostride = ref Stride_variable let uivstride = ref Stride_variable let uovstride = ref Stride_variable let speclist = [ "-with-istride", Arg.String(fun x -> uistride := arg_to_stride x), " specialize for given input stride"; "-with-ostride", Arg.String(fun x -> uostride := arg_to_stride x), " specialize for given output stride"; "-with-ivstride", Arg.String(fun x -> uivstride := arg_to_stride x), " specialize for given input vector stride"; "-with-ovstride", Arg.String(fun x -> uovstride := arg_to_stride x), " specialize for given output vector stride" ] let nonstandard_optimizer list_of_buddy_stores dag = let sched = standard_scheduler dag in let annot = Annotate.annotate list_of_buddy_stores sched in let _ = dump_asched annot in annot let generate n = let riarray = "xi" and roarray = "xo" and istride = "is" and ostride = "os" and i = "i" and v = "v" in let sign = !Genutil.sign and name = !Magic.codelet_name and byvl x = choose_simd x (ctimes (CVar "VL", x)) in let ename = expand_name name in let vistride = either_stride (!uistride) (C.SVar istride) and vostride = either_stride (!uostride) (C.SVar ostride) in let sivs = stride_to_string "ivs" !uivstride in let sovs = stride_to_string "ovs" !uovstride in let fft = Trig.dft_via_rdft in let locations = unique_array_c n in let input = locative_array_c n (C.array_subscript riarray vistride) (C.array_subscript "BUG" vistride) locations sivs in let output = fft sign n (load_array_r n input) in let oloc = locative_array_c n (C.array_subscript roarray vostride) (C.array_subscript "BUG" vostride) locations sovs in let list_of_buddy_stores = let k = !Simdmagic.store_multiple in if (k > 1) then if (n mod k == 0) then List.map (fun i -> List.map (fun j -> (fst (oloc (k * i + j)))) (iota k)) (iota (n / k)) else failwith "invalid n for -store-multiple" else [] in let odag = store_array_r n oloc output in let annot = nonstandard_optimizer list_of_buddy_stores odag in let body = Block ( [Decl ("INT", i); Decl (C.constrealtypep, riarray); Decl (C.realtypep, roarray)], [Stmt_assign (CVar riarray, CVar (if (sign < 0) then "ri" else "ii")); Stmt_assign (CVar roarray, CVar (if (sign < 0) then "ro" else "io")); For (Expr_assign (CVar i, CVar v), Binop (" > ", CVar i, Integer 0), list_to_comma [Expr_assign (CVar i, CPlus [CVar i; CUminus (byvl (Integer 1))]); Expr_assign (CVar riarray, CPlus [CVar riarray; byvl (CVar sivs)]); Expr_assign (CVar roarray, CPlus [CVar roarray; byvl (CVar sovs)]); make_volatile_stride (CVar istride); make_volatile_stride (CVar ostride) ], Asch annot); ]) in let tree = Fcn ((if !Magic.standalone then "void" else "static void"), ename, ([Decl (C.constrealtypep, "ri"); Decl (C.constrealtypep, "ii"); Decl (C.realtypep, "ro"); Decl (C.realtypep, "io"); Decl (C.stridetype, istride); Decl (C.stridetype, ostride); Decl ("INT", v); Decl ("INT", "ivs"); Decl ("INT", "ovs")]), add_constants body) in let desc = Printf.sprintf "static const kdft_desc desc = { %d, %s, %s, &GENUS, %s, %s, %s, %s };\n" n (stringify name) (flops_of tree) (stride_to_solverparm !uistride) (stride_to_solverparm !uostride) (choose_simd "0" (stride_to_solverparm !uivstride)) (choose_simd "0" (stride_to_solverparm !uovstride)) and init = (declare_register_fcn name) ^ "{" ^ " X(kdft_register)(p, " ^ ename ^ ", &desc);\n" ^ "}\n" in ((unparse tree) ^ "\n" ^ (if !Magic.standalone then "" else desc ^ init)) let main () = begin Simdmagic.simd_mode := true; parse speclist usage; print_string (generate (check_size ())); end let _ = main()