(* * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-8 Matteo Frigo * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-8 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * *) open Expr open List open Printf open Variable open Annotate open Simdmagic open C let realtype = "V" let realtypep = realtype ^ " *" let constrealtype = "const " ^ realtype let constrealtypep = constrealtype ^ " *" let alignment_mod = 2 (* * SIMD C AST unparser *) let foldr_string_concat l = fold_right (^) l "" let rec unparse_by_twiddle nam tw src = sprintf "%s(&(%s),%s)" nam (Variable.unparse tw) (unparse_expr src) and unparse_store dst = function | Times (NaN MULTI_A, x) -> sprintf "STM%d(&(%s),%s,%s,&(%s));\n" !Simdmagic.store_multiple (Variable.unparse dst) (unparse_expr x) (Variable.vstride_of_locative dst) (Variable.unparse_for_alignment alignment_mod dst) | Times (NaN MULTI_B, Plus stuff) -> sprintf "STN%d(&(%s)%s,%s);\n" !Simdmagic.store_multiple (Variable.unparse dst) (List.fold_right (fun x a -> "," ^ (unparse_expr x) ^ a) stuff "") (Variable.vstride_of_locative dst) | src_expr -> sprintf "ST(&(%s),%s,%s,&(%s));\n" (Variable.unparse dst) (unparse_expr src_expr) (Variable.vstride_of_locative dst) (Variable.unparse_for_alignment alignment_mod dst) and unparse_expr = let rec unparse_plus = function | [a] -> unparse_expr a | (Uminus (Times (NaN I, b))) :: c :: d -> op2 "VFNMSI" [b] (c :: d) | c :: (Uminus (Times (NaN I, b))) :: d -> op2 "VFNMSI" [b] (c :: d) | (Uminus (Times (NaN CONJ, b))) :: c :: d -> op2 "VFNMSCONJ" [b] (c :: d) | c :: (Uminus (Times (NaN CONJ, b))) :: d -> op2 "VFNMSCONJ" [b] (c :: d) | (Times (NaN I, b)) :: c :: d -> op2 "VFMAI" [b] (c :: d) | c :: (Times (NaN I, b)) :: d -> op2 "VFMAI" [b] (c :: d) | (Times (NaN CONJ, b)) :: (Uminus c) :: d -> op2 "VFMSCONJ" [b] (c :: d) | (Uminus c) :: (Times (NaN CONJ, b)) :: d -> op2 "VFMSCONJ" [b] (c :: d) | (Times (NaN CONJ, b)) :: c :: d -> op2 "VFMACONJ" [b] (c :: d) | c :: (Times (NaN CONJ, b)) :: d -> op2 "VFMACONJ" [b] (c :: d) | (Times (NaN _, b)) :: (Uminus c) :: d -> failwith "VFMS NaN" | (Uminus c) :: (Times (NaN _, b)) :: d -> failwith "VFMS NaN" | (Uminus (Times (a, b))) :: c :: d -> op3 "VFNMS" a b (c :: d) | c :: (Uminus (Times (a, b))) :: d -> op3 "VFNMS" a b (c :: d) | (Times (a, b)) :: (Uminus c) :: d -> op3 "VFMS" a b (c :: negate d) | (Uminus c) :: (Times (a, b)) :: d -> op3 "VFMS" a b (c :: negate d) | (Times (a, b)) :: c :: d -> op3 "VFMA" a b (c :: d) | c :: (Times (a, b)) :: d -> op3 "VFMA" a b (c :: d) | (Uminus a :: b) -> op2 "VSUB" b [a] | (b :: Uminus a :: c) -> op2 "VSUB" (b :: c) [a] | (a :: b) -> op2 "VADD" [a] b | [] -> failwith "unparse_plus" and op3 nam a b c = nam ^ "(" ^ (unparse_expr a) ^ ", " ^ (unparse_expr b) ^ ", " ^ (unparse_plus c) ^ ")" and op2 nam a b = nam ^ "(" ^ (unparse_plus a) ^ ", " ^ (unparse_plus b) ^ ")" and op1 nam a = nam ^ "(" ^ (unparse_expr a) ^ ")" and negate = function | [] -> [] | (Uminus x) :: y -> x :: negate y | x :: y -> (Uminus x) :: negate y in function | CTimes(Load tw, src) when Variable.is_constant tw && !Magic.generate_bytw -> unparse_by_twiddle "BYTW" tw src | CTimesJ(Load tw, src) when Variable.is_constant tw && !Magic.generate_bytw -> unparse_by_twiddle "BYTWJ" tw src | Load v when is_locative(v) -> sprintf "LD(&(%s), %s, &(%s))" (Variable.unparse v) (Variable.vstride_of_locative v) (Variable.unparse_for_alignment alignment_mod v) | Load v when is_constant(v) -> sprintf "LDW(&(%s))" (Variable.unparse v) | Load v -> Variable.unparse v | Num n -> sprintf "LDK(%s)" (Number.to_konst n) | NaN n -> failwith "NaN in unparse_expr" | Plus [] -> "0.0 /* bug */" | Plus [a] -> " /* bug */ " ^ (unparse_expr a) | Plus a -> unparse_plus a | Times(NaN I,b) -> op1 "VBYI" b | Times(NaN CONJ,b) -> op1 "VCONJ" b | Times(a,b) -> sprintf "VMUL(%s, %s)" (unparse_expr a) (unparse_expr b) | CTimes(a,Times(NaN I, b)) -> sprintf "VZMULI(%s, %s)" (unparse_expr a) (unparse_expr b) | CTimes(a,b) -> sprintf "VZMUL(%s, %s)" (unparse_expr a) (unparse_expr b) | CTimesJ(a,Times(NaN I, b)) -> sprintf "VZMULIJ(%s, %s)" (unparse_expr a) (unparse_expr b) | CTimesJ(a,b) -> sprintf "VZMULJ(%s, %s)" (unparse_expr a) (unparse_expr b) | Uminus a when !Magic.vneg -> op1 "VNEG" a | Uminus a -> failwith "SIMD Uminus" | _ -> failwith "unparse_expr" and unparse_decl x = C.unparse_decl x and unparse_ast ast = let rec unparse_assignment = function | Assign (v, x) when Variable.is_locative v -> unparse_store v x | Assign (v, x) -> (Variable.unparse v) ^ " = " ^ (unparse_expr x) ^ ";\n" and unparse_annotated force_bracket = let rec unparse_code = function | ADone -> "" | AInstr i -> unparse_assignment i | ASeq (a, b) -> (unparse_annotated false a) ^ (unparse_annotated false b) and declare_variables l = let rec uvar = function [] -> failwith "uvar" | [v] -> (Variable.unparse v) ^ ";\n" | a :: b -> (Variable.unparse a) ^ ", " ^ (uvar b) in let rec vvar l = let s = if !Magic.compact then 15 else 1 in if (List.length l <= s) then match l with [] -> "" | _ -> realtype ^ " " ^ (uvar l) else (vvar (Util.take s l)) ^ (vvar (Util.drop s l)) in vvar (List.filter Variable.is_temporary l) in function Annotate (_, _, decl, _, code) -> if (not force_bracket) && (Util.null decl) then unparse_code code else "{\n" ^ (declare_variables decl) ^ (unparse_code code) ^ "}\n" (* ---- *) and unparse_plus = function | [] -> "" | (CUminus a :: b) -> " - " ^ (parenthesize a) ^ (unparse_plus b) | (a :: b) -> " + " ^ (parenthesize a) ^ (unparse_plus b) and parenthesize x = match x with | (CVar _) -> unparse_ast x | (CCall _) -> unparse_ast x | (Integer _) -> unparse_ast x | _ -> "(" ^ (unparse_ast x) ^ ")" in match ast with | Asch a -> (unparse_annotated true a) | Return x -> "return " ^ unparse_ast x ^ ";" | For (a, b, c, d) -> "for (" ^ unparse_ast a ^ "; " ^ unparse_ast b ^ "; " ^ unparse_ast c ^ ")" ^ unparse_ast d | If (a, d) -> "if (" ^ unparse_ast a ^ ")" ^ unparse_ast d | Block (d, s) -> if (s == []) then "" else "{\n" ^ foldr_string_concat (map unparse_decl d) ^ foldr_string_concat (map unparse_ast s) ^ "}\n" | x -> C.unparse_ast x and unparse_function = function Fcn (typ, name, args, body) -> let rec unparse_args = function [Decl (a, b)] -> a ^ " " ^ b | (Decl (a, b)) :: s -> a ^ " " ^ b ^ ", " ^ unparse_args s | [] -> "" | _ -> failwith "unparse_function" in (typ ^ " " ^ name ^ "(" ^ unparse_args args ^ ")\n" ^ unparse_ast body) let extract_constants f = let constlist = flatten (map expr_to_constants (C.ast_to_expr_list f)) in map (fun n -> Tdecl ("DVK(" ^ (Number.to_konst n) ^ ", " ^ (Number.to_string n) ^ ");\n")) (unique_constants constlist)