(* * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-8 Matteo Frigo * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-8 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * *) (* various utility functions *) open List open Unix (***************************************** * Integer operations *****************************************) (* fint the inverse of n modulo m *) let invmod n m = let rec loop i = if ((i * n) mod m == 1) then i else loop (i + 1) in loop 1 (* Yooklid's algorithm *) let rec gcd n m = if (n > m) then gcd m n else let r = m mod n in if (r == 0) then n else gcd r n (* reduce the fraction m/n to lowest terms, modulo factors of n/n *) let lowest_terms n m = if (m mod n == 0) then (1,0) else let nn = (abs n) in let mm = m * (n / nn) in let mpos = if (mm > 0) then (mm mod nn) else (mm + (1 + (abs mm) / nn) * nn) mod nn and d = gcd nn (abs mm) in (nn / d, mpos / d) (* find a generator for the multiplicative group mod p (where p must be prime for a generator to exist!!) *) exception No_Generator let find_generator p = let rec period x prod = if (prod == 1) then 1 else 1 + (period x (prod * x mod p)) in let rec findgen x = if (x == 0) then raise No_Generator else if ((period x x) == (p - 1)) then x else findgen ((x + 1) mod p) in findgen 1 (* raise x to a power n modulo p (requires n > 0) (in principle, negative powers would be fine, provided that x and p are relatively prime...we don't need this functionality, though) *) exception Negative_Power let rec pow_mod x n p = if (n == 0) then 1 else if (n < 0) then raise Negative_Power else if (n mod 2 == 0) then pow_mod (x * x mod p) (n / 2) p else x * (pow_mod x (n - 1) p) mod p (****************************************** * auxiliary functions ******************************************) let rec forall id combiner a b f = if (a >= b) then id else combiner (f a) (forall id combiner (a + 1) b f) let sum_list l = fold_right (+) l 0 let max_list l = fold_right (max) l (-999999) let min_list l = fold_right (min) l 999999 let count pred = fold_left (fun a elem -> if (pred elem) then 1 + a else a) 0 let remove elem = List.filter (fun e -> (e != elem)) let cons a b = a :: b let null = function [] -> true | _ -> false let for_list l f = List.iter f l let rmap l f = List.map f l (* functional composition *) let (@@) f g x = f (g x) let forall_flat a b = forall [] (@) a b let identity x = x let rec minimize f = function [] -> None | elem :: rest -> match minimize f rest with None -> Some elem | Some x -> if (f x) >= (f elem) then Some elem else Some x let rec find_elem condition = function [] -> None | elem :: rest -> if condition elem then Some elem else find_elem condition rest (* find x, x >= a, such that (p x) is true *) let rec suchthat a pred = if (pred a) then a else suchthat (a + 1) pred (* print an information message *) let info string = if !Magic.verbose then begin let now = Unix.times () and pid = Unix.getpid () in prerr_string ((string_of_int pid) ^ ": " ^ "at t = " ^ (string_of_float now.tms_utime) ^ " : "); prerr_string (string ^ "\n"); flush Pervasives.stderr; end (* iota n produces the list [0; 1; ...; n - 1] *) let iota n = forall [] cons 0 n identity (* interval a b produces the list [a; 1; ...; b - 1] *) let interval a b = List.map ((+) a) (iota (b - a)) (* * freeze a function, i.e., compute it only once on demand, and * cache it into an array. *) let array n f = let a = Array.init n (fun i -> lazy (f i)) in fun i -> Lazy.force a.(i) let rec take n l = match (n, l) with (0, _) -> [] | (n, (a :: b)) -> a :: (take (n - 1) b) | _ -> failwith "take" let rec drop n l = match (n, l) with (0, _) -> l | (n, (_ :: b)) -> drop (n - 1) b | _ -> failwith "drop" let either a b = match a with Some x -> x | _ -> b