readme. To use QR to find eigenvalue of a matrix(symmetric matrix is better using QR, others may lead the result not stable.) I use the algorithm as followed: take a matrix A, QR decompesite( use gsl function) into A=Q1*R1, Let A2=R1*Q1, QR decomp A2 into A2=Q2*R2, let A3=R2*Q2, repeat the processing, Ai=Qi*Ri;A_(i+1)=Ri*Qi; doing that many times as the difference of diag entries between i and i-1 is less than some given number(that means the 2-norm of the vector less than the number), the entries in the diag of Ai are the eigenvalues of A. I tested this program using the matrix in the file named "matrix" here is the result: [kaixiany@vector3 kaixian_hw15]$ kaixian_HW15 < matrix n====4 QR Eigenvalues of Matrix A is: 18.565664 6.273684 2.698912 -5.538260 comparing with eval by using gsl function: 18.565664 -5.538284 2.698912 6.273708 ========================================================== the difference vector is (0,-0.000024,0,0.000024)(begin with highest) the 2-norm of the vector is 0.000033941