Readme The program generates a 2 dimensional table of bessel functions of order NMin to NMax and from XMin to XMax. The number of NMin,NMax,XMin,XMax and Dx can be redefined in header.h sample to use: [kaixiany@galois20 kaixian_hw16]$ make gcc -c -o kaixian_hw16.o kaixian_hw16.c gcc -c -o f.o f.c gcc -c -o table.o table.c gcc --L/usr/local/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm -Os -o kaixian_HW16 kaixian_hw16.o f.o table.o [kaixiany@galois20 kaixian_hw16]$ ./kaixian_HW16 Kaixian 8/16