Kyle_HW7 This program takes one file argument 'file'. It counts all occurences of each character in 'file' and utputs this information in tabular form to the standard output. EXAMPLE > ./kyle_hw7 < CountATest1 65 A 26 66 B 25 67 C 24 68 D 23 69 E 22 70 F 21 71 G 20 72 H 19 73 I 18 74 J 17 75 K 16 76 L 15 77 M 14 78 N 13 79 O 12 80 P 11 81 Q 10 82 R 9 83 S 8 84 T 7 85 U 6 86 V 5 87 W 4 88 X 3 89 Y 2 90 Z 1 > VALIDATION This program was checked using three sample input files: CountATest1, CountATest2, CountATest3. It was then run on a novel from project Gutenberg, strogoff.txt. The output from this run is stored in the file strogoff.out. EXECUTION SPEED The program analyzes strogoff.txt in 0.03 seconds on my machine. This can be confirmed by uncommenting the system clock code in the source file. The source file has over a half million characters as indicated by the wc utility. > wc -m strogoff.txt 572209 strogoff.txt