This program counts the number of occurence of each character in a file. you need to store the file that you want to count under the same folder as the one contains the program and makefile. Then you need to input tha file name first to let C know where it need to count. Then the program returns the time it took to count the number of occurence of each Charater. And ask you to input an output filename which stores the results. The result is: the first column is the code for that characte in compputer, then the second one is the chatactrer and the last column is the number of occurence of that character. I tried to download a book from Gutenburg project, named "The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4) by J. Arthur Thomson". And then store it as a txt named "book.txt". The result is in "bookout". And the timer shows it took 0 seconds (do not know whether it is a time expected or not). I did not do CountATest 3..I think I am using the wrong input name. By saying CountA, I mean CountATest1; CountB means the CountATest2.