5903 Intro Scientific Prog:
Timing Matrix Ops: Specification
- Write a random matrix generator
- double * RandMat1(int m, int n);
- Write a matrix multiply routine that multiplies two conforming matrices C = A B
- void MultMat1(double * A, double * B, double * C, int mA, int nA, int mB, int nB);
- Make this call as safe as possible
- Discuss any issues with concerning this setup!
- Understand the gsl library matrix structure and modify your code to create safer calls
- void MultMat2(matrix A, matrix B, matrix C)
- matrix RandMat2(int m, int n);
- You can either create your own matrix structure or use the gsl one.
- Compare the run time of your calls with the gsl calls.
- Create a suitable graph with a fair number of data points comparing the timing
- Comment briefly on the results.