Instructor: Allan Struthers Schedule: Office: Fisher 212 Phone: 487-3541 e-mail:
- Topics:
- Practical Scientific Programming in C. If time allows we may discuss the organizational benefits of object oriented programming and provide a brief introduction to C++. Specifically we will discuss: C syntax, compilers, makefiles, programming environments (including debuggers), shell scripts, and general programming style.
- Text:
- C Primer Plus (5th Edition) by Stephen Prata. ISBN#0-672-32696-5.
- Coding:
- We will have extensive C programming assignments. See the evolving list of programming assignments. I hope the initial "Hello World" programs will be very straightforward for some students. I hope that the assignments will become more interesting as the term progresses.
- Reading:
- The text is thick. We will have substantial reading asignments. It is important that you keep up with the reading. They will get shorter as the term progresses.
- Meeting Times:
- The course meets M/T/W/Th 11:00am - 12:20pm in 327B (MathLab) we may occasionally walk across the hall to get away from computers.
- Office Hours:
- I will hold office hours M/T/W/Th 10:30am - 11:00am and 12:20-1:20pm in the MathLab or my office.
- Prerequisites:
- Scientific maturity, organization, and endurance.