/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-8 Matteo Frigo * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-8 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ /* This file was automatically generated --- DO NOT EDIT */ /* Generated on Sun Jul 12 06:42:29 EDT 2009 */ #include "codelet-dft.h" #ifdef HAVE_FMA /* Generated by: ../../../genfft/gen_twiddle_c -fma -reorder-insns -schedule-for-pipeline -simd -compact -variables 4 -pipeline-latency 8 -n 7 -name t1bv_7 -include t1b.h -sign 1 */ /* * This function contains 36 FP additions, 36 FP multiplications, * (or, 15 additions, 15 multiplications, 21 fused multiply/add), * 42 stack variables, 6 constants, and 14 memory accesses */ #include "t1b.h" static void t1bv_7(R *ri, R *ii, const R *W, stride rs, INT mb, INT me, INT ms) { DVK(KP900968867, +0.900968867902419126236102319507445051165919162); DVK(KP801937735, +0.801937735804838252472204639014890102331838324); DVK(KP974927912, +0.974927912181823607018131682993931217232785801); DVK(KP692021471, +0.692021471630095869627814897002069140197260599); DVK(KP554958132, +0.554958132087371191422194871006410481067288862); DVK(KP356895867, +0.356895867892209443894399510021300583399127187); INT m; R *x; x = ii; for (m = mb, W = W + (mb * ((TWVL / VL) * 12)); m < me; m = m + VL, x = x + (VL * ms), W = W + (TWVL * 12), MAKE_VOLATILE_STRIDE(rs)) { V T1, T2, T4, Te, Tc, T9, T7; T1 = LD(&(x[0]), ms, &(x[0])); T2 = LD(&(x[WS(rs, 1)]), ms, &(x[WS(rs, 1)])); T4 = LD(&(x[WS(rs, 6)]), ms, &(x[0])); Te = LD(&(x[WS(rs, 4)]), ms, &(x[0])); Tc = LD(&(x[WS(rs, 3)]), ms, &(x[WS(rs, 1)])); T9 = LD(&(x[WS(rs, 5)]), ms, &(x[WS(rs, 1)])); T7 = LD(&(x[WS(rs, 2)]), ms, &(x[0])); { V T3, T5, Tf, Td, Ta, T8; T3 = BYTW(&(W[0]), T2); T5 = BYTW(&(W[TWVL * 10]), T4); Tf = BYTW(&(W[TWVL * 6]), Te); Td = BYTW(&(W[TWVL * 4]), Tc); Ta = BYTW(&(W[TWVL * 8]), T9); T8 = BYTW(&(W[TWVL * 2]), T7); { V T6, Tm, Tg, Tk, Tb, Tl; T6 = VADD(T3, T5); Tm = VSUB(T3, T5); Tg = VADD(Td, Tf); Tk = VSUB(Td, Tf); Tb = VADD(T8, Ta); Tl = VSUB(T8, Ta); { V Tp, Tx, Tu, Th, Ts, Tn, Tq, Ty; Tp = VFNMS(LDK(KP356895867), T6, Tg); Tx = VFMA(LDK(KP554958132), Tk, Tm); ST(&(x[0]), VADD(T1, VADD(T6, VADD(Tb, Tg))), ms, &(x[0])); Tu = VFNMS(LDK(KP356895867), Tb, T6); Th = VFNMS(LDK(KP356895867), Tg, Tb); Ts = VFMA(LDK(KP554958132), Tl, Tk); Tn = VFNMS(LDK(KP554958132), Tm, Tl); Tq = VFNMS(LDK(KP692021471), Tp, Tb); Ty = VMUL(LDK(KP974927912), VFMA(LDK(KP801937735), Tx, Tl)); { V Tv, Ti, Tt, To, Tr, Tw, Tj; Tv = VFNMS(LDK(KP692021471), Tu, Tg); Ti = VFNMS(LDK(KP692021471), Th, T6); Tt = VMUL(LDK(KP974927912), VFNMS(LDK(KP801937735), Ts, Tm)); To = VMUL(LDK(KP974927912), VFNMS(LDK(KP801937735), Tn, Tk)); Tr = VFNMS(LDK(KP900968867), Tq, T1); Tw = VFNMS(LDK(KP900968867), Tv, T1); Tj = VFNMS(LDK(KP900968867), Ti, T1); ST(&(x[WS(rs, 5)]), VFNMSI(Tt, Tr), ms, &(x[WS(rs, 1)])); ST(&(x[WS(rs, 2)]), VFMAI(Tt, Tr), ms, &(x[0])); ST(&(x[WS(rs, 6)]), VFNMSI(Ty, Tw), ms, &(x[0])); ST(&(x[WS(rs, 1)]), VFMAI(Ty, Tw), ms, &(x[WS(rs, 1)])); ST(&(x[WS(rs, 4)]), VFNMSI(To, Tj), ms, &(x[0])); ST(&(x[WS(rs, 3)]), VFMAI(To, Tj), ms, &(x[WS(rs, 1)])); } } } } } } static const tw_instr twinstr[] = { VTW(0, 1), VTW(0, 2), VTW(0, 3), VTW(0, 4), VTW(0, 5), VTW(0, 6), {TW_NEXT, VL, 0} }; static const ct_desc desc = { 7, "t1bv_7", twinstr, &GENUS, {15, 15, 21, 0}, 0, 0, 0 }; void X(codelet_t1bv_7) (planner *p) { X(kdft_dit_register) (p, t1bv_7, &desc); } #else /* HAVE_FMA */ /* Generated by: ../../../genfft/gen_twiddle_c -simd -compact -variables 4 -pipeline-latency 8 -n 7 -name t1bv_7 -include t1b.h -sign 1 */ /* * This function contains 36 FP additions, 30 FP multiplications, * (or, 24 additions, 18 multiplications, 12 fused multiply/add), * 21 stack variables, 6 constants, and 14 memory accesses */ #include "t1b.h" static void t1bv_7(R *ri, R *ii, const R *W, stride rs, INT mb, INT me, INT ms) { DVK(KP222520933, +0.222520933956314404288902564496794759466355569); DVK(KP900968867, +0.900968867902419126236102319507445051165919162); DVK(KP623489801, +0.623489801858733530525004884004239810632274731); DVK(KP433883739, +0.433883739117558120475768332848358754609990728); DVK(KP781831482, +0.781831482468029808708444526674057750232334519); DVK(KP974927912, +0.974927912181823607018131682993931217232785801); INT m; R *x; x = ii; for (m = mb, W = W + (mb * ((TWVL / VL) * 12)); m < me; m = m + VL, x = x + (VL * ms), W = W + (TWVL * 12), MAKE_VOLATILE_STRIDE(rs)) { V Th, Tf, Ti, T5, Tk, Ta, Tj, To, Tp; Th = LD(&(x[0]), ms, &(x[0])); { V Tc, Te, Tb, Td; Tb = LD(&(x[WS(rs, 2)]), ms, &(x[0])); Tc = BYTW(&(W[TWVL * 2]), Tb); Td = LD(&(x[WS(rs, 5)]), ms, &(x[WS(rs, 1)])); Te = BYTW(&(W[TWVL * 8]), Td); Tf = VSUB(Tc, Te); Ti = VADD(Tc, Te); } { V T2, T4, T1, T3; T1 = LD(&(x[WS(rs, 1)]), ms, &(x[WS(rs, 1)])); T2 = BYTW(&(W[0]), T1); T3 = LD(&(x[WS(rs, 6)]), ms, &(x[0])); T4 = BYTW(&(W[TWVL * 10]), T3); T5 = VSUB(T2, T4); Tk = VADD(T2, T4); } { V T7, T9, T6, T8; T6 = LD(&(x[WS(rs, 3)]), ms, &(x[WS(rs, 1)])); T7 = BYTW(&(W[TWVL * 4]), T6); T8 = LD(&(x[WS(rs, 4)]), ms, &(x[0])); T9 = BYTW(&(W[TWVL * 6]), T8); Ta = VSUB(T7, T9); Tj = VADD(T7, T9); } ST(&(x[0]), VADD(Th, VADD(Tk, VADD(Ti, Tj))), ms, &(x[0])); To = VBYI(VFNMS(LDK(KP781831482), Ta, VFNMS(LDK(KP433883739), Tf, VMUL(LDK(KP974927912), T5)))); Tp = VFMA(LDK(KP623489801), Tj, VFNMS(LDK(KP900968867), Ti, VFNMS(LDK(KP222520933), Tk, Th))); ST(&(x[WS(rs, 2)]), VADD(To, Tp), ms, &(x[0])); ST(&(x[WS(rs, 5)]), VSUB(Tp, To), ms, &(x[WS(rs, 1)])); { V Tg, Tl, Tm, Tn; Tg = VBYI(VFMA(LDK(KP433883739), T5, VFNMS(LDK(KP781831482), Tf, VMUL(LDK(KP974927912), Ta)))); Tl = VFMA(LDK(KP623489801), Ti, VFNMS(LDK(KP222520933), Tj, VFNMS(LDK(KP900968867), Tk, Th))); ST(&(x[WS(rs, 3)]), VADD(Tg, Tl), ms, &(x[WS(rs, 1)])); ST(&(x[WS(rs, 4)]), VSUB(Tl, Tg), ms, &(x[0])); Tm = VBYI(VFMA(LDK(KP781831482), T5, VFMA(LDK(KP974927912), Tf, VMUL(LDK(KP433883739), Ta)))); Tn = VFMA(LDK(KP623489801), Tk, VFNMS(LDK(KP900968867), Tj, VFNMS(LDK(KP222520933), Ti, Th))); ST(&(x[WS(rs, 1)]), VADD(Tm, Tn), ms, &(x[WS(rs, 1)])); ST(&(x[WS(rs, 6)]), VSUB(Tn, Tm), ms, &(x[0])); } } } static const tw_instr twinstr[] = { VTW(0, 1), VTW(0, 2), VTW(0, 3), VTW(0, 4), VTW(0, 5), VTW(0, 6), {TW_NEXT, VL, 0} }; static const ct_desc desc = { 7, "t1bv_7", twinstr, &GENUS, {24, 18, 12, 0}, 0, 0, 0 }; void X(codelet_t1bv_7) (planner *p) { X(kdft_dit_register) (p, t1bv_7, &desc); } #endif /* HAVE_FMA */