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6.1 Cell Installation

All of the FFTW Cell code is located in the cell subdirectory of the FFTW package. On Unix systems, the FFTW Cell support is automatically configured, compiled, and included in the uniprocessor FFTW libraries simply by including --enable-cell in the flags to the configure script (see Installation on Unix). Both double precision (the default) and single precision are supported on the Cell; for the latter, configure with --enable-cell --enable-single.

In addition, the PPE supports the Altivec (or VMX) instruction set in single precision. (Altivec is Apple/Freescale terminology, VMX is IBM terminology for the same thing.) You can enable support for Altivec with the --enable-altivec flag (single precision only).

The software compiles with the Cell SDK 2.0, and probably with earlier ones as well.