(* * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-8 Matteo Frigo * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-8 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * *) (* generation of trigonometric transforms *) open Util open Genutil open C let usage = "Usage: " ^ Sys.argv.(0) ^ " -n " let uistride = ref Stride_variable let uostride = ref Stride_variable let uivstride = ref Stride_variable let uovstride = ref Stride_variable let normalization = ref 1 type mode = | MDCT | MDCT_MP3 | MDCT_VORBIS | MDCT_WINDOW | MDCT_WINDOW_SYM | IMDCT | IMDCT_MP3 | IMDCT_VORBIS | IMDCT_WINDOW | IMDCT_WINDOW_SYM | NONE let mode = ref NONE let speclist = [ "-with-istride", Arg.String(fun x -> uistride := arg_to_stride x), " specialize for given input stride"; "-with-ostride", Arg.String(fun x -> uostride := arg_to_stride x), " specialize for given output stride"; "-with-ivstride", Arg.String(fun x -> uivstride := arg_to_stride x), " specialize for given input vector stride"; "-with-ovstride", Arg.String(fun x -> uovstride := arg_to_stride x), " specialize for given output vector stride"; "-normalization", Arg.String(fun x -> normalization := int_of_string x), " normalization integer to divide by"; "-mdct", Arg.Unit(fun () -> mode := MDCT), " generate an MDCT codelet"; "-mdct-mp3", Arg.Unit(fun () -> mode := MDCT_MP3), " generate an MDCT codelet with MP3 windowing"; "-mdct-window", Arg.Unit(fun () -> mode := MDCT_WINDOW), " generate an MDCT codelet with window array"; "-mdct-window-sym", Arg.Unit(fun () -> mode := MDCT_WINDOW_SYM), " generate an MDCT codelet with symmetric window array"; "-imdct", Arg.Unit(fun () -> mode := IMDCT), " generate an IMDCT codelet"; "-imdct-mp3", Arg.Unit(fun () -> mode := IMDCT_MP3), " generate an IMDCT codelet with MP3 windowing"; "-imdct-window", Arg.Unit(fun () -> mode := IMDCT_WINDOW), " generate an IMDCT codelet with window array"; "-imdct-window-sym", Arg.Unit(fun () -> mode := IMDCT_WINDOW_SYM), " generate an IMDCT codelet with symmetric window array"; ] let unity_window n i = Complex.one (* MP3 window(k) = sin(pi/(2n) * (k + 1/2)) *) let mp3_window n k = Complex.imag (Complex.exp (8 * n) (2*k + 1)) (* Vorbis window(k) = sin(pi/2 * (mp3_window(k))^2) ... this is transcendental, though, so we can't do it with our current Complex.exp function *) let window_array n w = array n (fun i -> let stride = C.SInteger 1 and klass = Unique.make () in let refr = C.array_subscript w stride i in let kr = Variable.make_constant klass refr in load_r (kr, kr)) let load_window w n i = w i let load_window_sym w n i = w (if (i < n) then i else (2*n - 1 - i)) (* fixme: use same locations for input and output so that it works in-place? *) (* Note: only correct for even n! *) let load_array_mdct window n rarr iarr locations = let twon = 2 * n in let arr = load_array_c twon (locative_array_c twon rarr iarr locations "BUG") in let arrw = fun i -> Complex.times (window n i) (arr i) in array n ((Complex.times Complex.half) @@ (fun i -> if (i < n/2) then Complex.uminus (Complex.plus [arrw (i + n + n/2); arrw (n + n/2 - 1 - i)]) else Complex.plus [arrw (i - n/2); Complex.uminus (arrw (n + n/2 - 1 - i))])) let store_array_mdct window n rarr iarr locations arr = store_array_r n (locative_array_c n rarr iarr locations "BUG") arr let load_array_imdct window n rarr iarr locations = load_array_c n (locative_array_c n rarr iarr locations "BUG") let store_array_imdct window n rarr iarr locations arr = let n2 = n/2 in let threen2 = 3*n2 in let arr2 = fun i -> if (i < n2) then arr (i + n2) else if (i < threen2) then Complex.uminus (arr (threen2 - 1 - i)) else Complex.uminus (arr (i - threen2)) in let arr2w = fun i -> Complex.times (window n i) (arr2 i) in let twon = 2 * n in store_array_r twon (locative_array_c twon rarr iarr locations "BUG") arr2w let window_param = function MDCT_WINDOW -> true | MDCT_WINDOW_SYM -> true | IMDCT_WINDOW -> true | IMDCT_WINDOW_SYM -> true | _ -> false let generate n mode = let iarray = "I" and oarray = "O" and istride = "istride" and ostride = "ostride" and window = "W" and name = !Magic.codelet_name in let vistride = either_stride (!uistride) (C.SVar istride) and vostride = either_stride (!uostride) (C.SVar ostride) in let sivs = stride_to_string "ovs" !uovstride in let sovs = stride_to_string "ivs" !uivstride in let (transform, load_input, store_output) = match mode with | MDCT -> Trig.dctIV, load_array_mdct unity_window, store_array_mdct unity_window | MDCT_MP3 -> Trig.dctIV, load_array_mdct mp3_window, store_array_mdct unity_window | MDCT_WINDOW -> Trig.dctIV, load_array_mdct (load_window (window_array (2 * n) window)), store_array_mdct unity_window | MDCT_WINDOW_SYM -> Trig.dctIV, load_array_mdct (load_window_sym (window_array n window)), store_array_mdct unity_window | IMDCT -> Trig.dctIV, load_array_imdct unity_window, store_array_imdct unity_window | IMDCT_MP3 -> Trig.dctIV, load_array_imdct unity_window, store_array_imdct mp3_window | IMDCT_WINDOW -> Trig.dctIV, load_array_imdct unity_window, store_array_imdct (load_window (window_array (2 * n) window)) | IMDCT_WINDOW_SYM -> Trig.dctIV, load_array_imdct unity_window, store_array_imdct (load_window_sym (window_array n window)) | _ -> failwith "must specify transform kind" in let locations = unique_array_c (2*n) in let input = load_input n (C.array_subscript iarray vistride) (C.array_subscript "BUG" vistride) locations in let output = (Complex.times (Complex.inverse_int !normalization)) @@ (transform n input) in let odag = store_output n (C.array_subscript oarray vostride) (C.array_subscript "BUG" vostride) locations output in let annot = standard_optimizer odag in let tree = Fcn ("void", name, ([Decl (C.constrealtypep, iarray); Decl (C.realtypep, oarray)] @ (if stride_fixed !uistride then [] else [Decl (C.stridetype, istride)]) @ (if stride_fixed !uostride then [] else [Decl (C.stridetype, ostride)]) @ (choose_simd [] (if stride_fixed !uivstride then [] else [Decl ("int", sivs)])) @ (choose_simd [] (if stride_fixed !uovstride then [] else [Decl ("int", sovs)])) @ (if (not (window_param mode)) then [] else [Decl (C.constrealtypep, window)]) ), add_constants (Asch annot)) in (unparse tree) ^ "\n" let main () = begin parse speclist usage; print_string (generate (check_size ()) !mode); end let _ = main()