/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-8 Matteo Frigo * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-8 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ /* plans for rank-0 RDFTs (copy operations) */ #include "rdft.h" #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include /* for memcpy() */ #endif #define MAXRNK 32 /* FIXME: should malloc() */ typedef struct { plan_rdft super; INT vl; int rnk; iodim d[MAXRNK]; const char *nam; } P; typedef struct { solver super; rdftapply apply; int (*applicable)(const P *pln, const problem_rdft *p); const char *nam; } S; /* copy up to MAXRNK dimensions from problem into plan. If a contiguous dimension exists, save its length in pln->vl */ static int fill_iodim(P *pln, const problem_rdft *p) { int i; const tensor *vecsz = p->vecsz; pln->vl = 1; pln->rnk = 0; for (i = 0; i < vecsz->rnk; ++i) { /* extract contiguous dimensions */ if (pln->vl == 1 && vecsz->dims[i].is == 1 && vecsz->dims[i].os == 1) pln->vl = vecsz->dims[i].n; else if (pln->rnk == MAXRNK) return 0; else pln->d[pln->rnk++] = vecsz->dims[i]; } return 1; } /* generic higher-rank copy routine, calls cpy2d() to do the real work */ static void copy(const iodim *d, int rnk, INT vl, R *I, R *O, cpy2d_func cpy2d) { A(rnk >= 2); if (rnk == 2) cpy2d(I, O, d[0].n, d[0].is, d[0].os, d[1].n, d[1].is, d[1].os, vl); else { INT i; for (i = 0; i < d[0].n; ++i, I += d[0].is, O += d[0].os) copy(d + 1, rnk - 1, vl, I, O, cpy2d); } } /* FIXME: should be more general */ static int transposep(const P *pln) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pln->rnk - 2; ++i) if (pln->d[i].is != pln->d[i].os) return 0; return (pln->d[i].n == pln->d[i+1].n && pln->d[i].is == pln->d[i+1].os && pln->d[i].os == pln->d[i+1].is); } /* generic higher-rank transpose routine, calls transpose2d() to do * the real work */ static void transpose(const iodim *d, int rnk, INT vl, R *I, transpose_func transpose2d) { A(rnk >= 2); if (rnk == 2) transpose2d(I, d[0].n, d[0].is, d[0].os, vl); else { INT i; for (i = 0; i < d[0].n; ++i, I += d[0].is) transpose(d + 1, rnk - 1, vl, I, transpose2d); } } /**************************************************************/ /* rank 0,1,2, out of place, iterative */ static void apply_iter(const plan *ego_, R *I, R *O) { const P *ego = (const P *) ego_; switch (ego->rnk) { case 0: X(cpy1d)(I, O, ego->vl, 1, 1, 1); break; case 1: X(cpy1d)(I, O, ego->d[0].n, ego->d[0].is, ego->d[0].os, ego->vl); break; default: copy(ego->d, ego->rnk, ego->vl, I, O, X(cpy2d_ci)); break; } } static int applicable_iter(const P *pln, const problem_rdft *p) { UNUSED(pln); return (p->I != p->O); } /**************************************************************/ /* out of place, write contiguous output */ static void apply_cpy2dco(const plan *ego_, R *I, R *O) { const P *ego = (const P *) ego_; copy(ego->d, ego->rnk, ego->vl, I, O, X(cpy2d_co)); } static int applicable_cpy2dco(const P *pln, const problem_rdft *p) { int rnk = pln->rnk; return (1 && p->I != p->O && rnk >= 2 /* must not duplicate apply_iter */ && (X(iabs)(pln->d[rnk - 2].is) <= X(iabs)(pln->d[rnk - 1].is) || X(iabs)(pln->d[rnk - 2].os) <= X(iabs)(pln->d[rnk - 1].os)) ); } /**************************************************************/ /* out of place, tiled, no buffering */ static void apply_tiled(const plan *ego_, R *I, R *O) { const P *ego = (const P *) ego_; copy(ego->d, ego->rnk, ego->vl, I, O, X(cpy2d_tiled)); } static int applicable_tiled(const P *pln, const problem_rdft *p) { return (1 && p->I != p->O && pln->rnk >= 2 /* somewhat arbitrary */ && X(compute_tilesz)(pln->vl, 1) > 4 ); } /**************************************************************/ /* out of place, tiled, with buffer */ static void apply_tiledbuf(const plan *ego_, R *I, R *O) { const P *ego = (const P *) ego_; copy(ego->d, ego->rnk, ego->vl, I, O, X(cpy2d_tiledbuf)); } #define applicable_tiledbuf applicable_tiled /**************************************************************/ /* rank 0, out of place, using memcpy */ static void apply_memcpy(const plan *ego_, R *I, R *O) { const P *ego = (const P *) ego_; A(ego->rnk == 0); memcpy(O, I, ego->vl * sizeof(R)); } static int applicable_memcpy(const P *pln, const problem_rdft *p) { return (1 && p->I != p->O && pln->rnk == 0 && pln->vl > 2 /* do not bother memcpy-ing complex numbers */ ); } /**************************************************************/ /* rank > 0 vecloop, out of place, using memcpy (e.g. out-of-place transposes of vl-tuples ... for large vl it should be more efficient to use memcpy than the tiled stuff). */ static void memcpy_loop(INT cpysz, int rnk, const iodim *d, R *I, R *O) { INT i, n = d->n, is = d->is, os = d->os; if (rnk == 1) for (i = 0; i < n; ++i, I += is, O += os) memcpy(O, I, cpysz); else { --rnk; ++d; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i, I += is, O += os) memcpy_loop(cpysz, rnk, d, I, O); } } static void apply_memcpy_loop(const plan *ego_, R *I, R *O) { const P *ego = (const P *) ego_; memcpy_loop(ego->vl * sizeof(R), ego->rnk, ego->d, I, O); } static int applicable_memcpy_loop(const P *pln, const problem_rdft *p) { return (p->I != p->O && pln->rnk > 0 && pln->vl > 2 /* do not bother memcpy-ing complex numbers */); } /**************************************************************/ /* rank 2, in place, square transpose, iterative */ static void apply_ip_sq(const plan *ego_, R *I, R *O) { const P *ego = (const P *) ego_; UNUSED(O); transpose(ego->d, ego->rnk, ego->vl, I, X(transpose)); } static int applicable_ip_sq(const P *pln, const problem_rdft *p) { return (1 && p->I == p->O && pln->rnk >= 2 && transposep(pln)); } /**************************************************************/ /* rank 2, in place, square transpose, tiled */ static void apply_ip_sq_tiled(const plan *ego_, R *I, R *O) { const P *ego = (const P *) ego_; UNUSED(O); transpose(ego->d, ego->rnk, ego->vl, I, X(transpose_tiled)); } static int applicable_ip_sq_tiled(const P *pln, const problem_rdft *p) { return (1 && applicable_ip_sq(pln, p) /* somewhat arbitrary */ && X(compute_tilesz)(pln->vl, 2) > 4 ); } /**************************************************************/ /* rank 2, in place, square transpose, tiled, buffered */ static void apply_ip_sq_tiledbuf(const plan *ego_, R *I, R *O) { const P *ego = (const P *) ego_; UNUSED(O); transpose(ego->d, ego->rnk, ego->vl, I, X(transpose_tiledbuf)); } #define applicable_ip_sq_tiledbuf applicable_ip_sq_tiled /**************************************************************/ #if HAVE_CELL /* rank 2, in place, square transpose, using Cell SPEs */ static void apply_ip_cell(const plan *ego_, R *I, R *O) { const P *ego = (const P *) ego_; UNUSED(O); transpose(ego->d, ego->rnk, ego->vl, I, X(cell_transpose)); } static int applicable_ip_cell(const P *pln, const problem_rdft *p) { R *I = p->I; int i; iodim *d; for (i = 0, d = pln->d; i < pln->rnk - 2; ++i, ++d) { I = TAINT(I, d->is); I = TAINT(I, d->os); } return (1 && p->I == p->O && pln->rnk >= 2 && transposep(pln) && X(cell_transpose_applicable)(I, d, pln->vl) ); } /* out of place copies using Cell SPEs */ static void apply_cell(const plan *ego_, R *I, R *O) { const P *ego = (const P *) ego_; if (ego->vl == 2) { X(cell_copy)(I, O, ego->d + 0, ego->d + 1); } else { const iodim vone = {1, 0, 0}; const iodim *v = 0; iodim n; n.n = ego->vl / 2; n.is = 2; n.os = 2; /* canonicalize to rank 1 plus vl */ switch (ego->rnk) { case 0: v = &vone; break; case 1: v = ego->d; break; } X(cell_copy)(I, O, &n, v); } } static int applicable_cell(const P *pln, const problem_rdft *p) { if (pln->vl == 2) { return (1 && pln->rnk == 2 && X(cell_copy_applicable)(p->I, p->O, pln->d + 0, pln->d + 1) ); } else if ((pln->vl % 2) == 0) { /* SPE handles pairs only */ const iodim vone = {1, 0, 0}; const iodim *v; iodim n; n.n = pln->vl / 2; n.is = 2; n.os = 2; /* canonicalize to rank 1 plus vl */ switch (pln->rnk) { case 0: v = &vone; break; case 1: v = pln->d; break; default: return 0; } return X(cell_copy_applicable)(p->I, p->O, &n, v); } else return 0; } #endif /**************************************************************/ static int applicable(const S *ego, const problem *p_) { const problem_rdft *p = (const problem_rdft *) p_; P pln; return (1 && p->sz->rnk == 0 && FINITE_RNK(p->vecsz->rnk) && fill_iodim(&pln, p) && ego->applicable(&pln, p) ); } static void print(const plan *ego_, printer *p) { const P *ego = (const P *) ego_; int i; p->print(p, "(%s/%D", ego->nam, ego->vl); for (i = 0; i < ego->rnk; ++i) p->print(p, "%v", ego->d[i].n); p->print(p, ")"); } static plan *mkplan(const solver *ego_, const problem *p_, planner *plnr) { const problem_rdft *p; const S *ego = (const S *) ego_; P *pln; int retval; static const plan_adt padt = { X(rdft_solve), X(null_awake), print, X(plan_null_destroy) }; UNUSED(plnr); if (!applicable(ego, p_)) return (plan *) 0; p = (const problem_rdft *) p_; pln = MKPLAN_RDFT(P, &padt, ego->apply); retval = fill_iodim(pln, p); A(retval); A(pln->vl > 0); /* because FINITE_RNK(p->vecsz->rnk) holds */ pln->nam = ego->nam; /* X(tensor_sz)(p->vecsz) loads, X(tensor_sz)(p->vecsz) stores */ X(ops_other)(2 * X(tensor_sz)(p->vecsz), &pln->super.super.ops); return &(pln->super.super); } void X(rdft_rank0_register)(planner *p) { unsigned i; static struct { rdftapply apply; int (*applicable)(const P *, const problem_rdft *); const char *nam; } tab[] = { { apply_memcpy, applicable_memcpy, "rdft-rank0-memcpy" }, { apply_memcpy_loop, applicable_memcpy_loop, "rdft-rank0-memcpy-loop" }, { apply_iter, applicable_iter, "rdft-rank0-iter-ci" }, { apply_cpy2dco, applicable_cpy2dco, "rdft-rank0-iter-co" }, { apply_tiled, applicable_tiled, "rdft-rank0-tiled" }, { apply_tiledbuf, applicable_tiledbuf, "rdft-rank0-tiledbuf" }, { apply_ip_sq, applicable_ip_sq, "rdft-rank0-ip-sq" }, #if HAVE_CELL { apply_cell, applicable_cell, "rdft-rank0-cell" }, { apply_ip_cell, applicable_ip_cell, "rdft-rank0-ip-cell" }, #endif { apply_ip_sq_tiled, applicable_ip_sq_tiled, "rdft-rank0-ip-sq-tiled" }, { apply_ip_sq_tiledbuf, applicable_ip_sq_tiledbuf, "rdft-rank0-ip-sq-tiledbuf" }, }; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(tab) / sizeof(tab[0]); ++i) { static const solver_adt sadt = { PROBLEM_RDFT, mkplan, 0 }; S *slv = MKSOLVER(S, &sadt); slv->apply = tab[i].apply; slv->applicable = tab[i].applicable; slv->nam = tab[i].nam; REGISTER_SOLVER(p, &(slv->super)); } }