5903 Intro Scientific Prog:
Linear Solve A: Specification
- Write subroutines (the matrix A should be
your sparse format) and the vector x should either be a simple array or
a vector structure of your choice) that complete one iteration of the
following (the wikipedia pages Jacobi Method, GaussSeidel Method, and
Succesive Over Relaxation Method provide details) iterative solution
- Jacobi(A, x, b)
- GaussSeidel(A, x, b)
- SOR(A, x, b, omega)
- Write a subroutine to iterate your subroutines in (1) to a
maximum number of steps is or a suitable convergence criterion is met.
The subroutine should have the input form IterativeSolve(A, x, b, NMax,
Tol, FLAG) where FLAG inidicates the iteration to use, NMax is the
maximum number of steps to take, nd Tol is a specified tolerance.
- You must organize your code into seperate files and
make the "makefile" reasonably compact. Provide some estimate of
the operation count in the header of each of the iterative routines.
- In the ReadMe compare the overall performance of the three
methods on a 100 by100 test matrix A. Make sure that you provide
the matrix you used when submitting the homework. Sample matrices are in this directory
Additions and changes are in red.