5903 Intro Scientific Prog:
MatrixA: Specification
- The program needs to be able to read a matrixin the ".5903FullMatrix" format from a file. See below for detailed specification. To
avoid memory assignment issues you can assume that all matrices fit
inside a 100x100 matrix and simply initialize a blank matrix of this
size for storage.
- The program needs to compute an LU Decomposition of a square matrix
(always called A for some reason) with out pivoting. See any
numerical linear algebra text for the algorithm.
- The program needs to be able to export both the L and the U to the ".5903FullMatrix" format.
- For testing the program need to be able to multiply L and U to recover A.
- Test your code on small samples. I will provide them on request but it should be simple enough to make your own.
- It is desirable (but not required) that you organize your code into seperate files and
make the "makefile" reasonably compact. Provide some estimate of
the operation count in the header for the factorization algorithm.
- 5903FullMatrix: As we decided the format (with m and n
integers, fij a float, and (of course) \t & \n tabs and
spaces) is:
5903FullMatrix \n
m \t n \t float \n
f11 \t f12 \t ... \t f1n \n
f21 \t f22 \t ... \t f2n \n
fm1 \t f22 \t ... \t fmn \n
Additions and changes are in red.