5903 Intro Scientific Prog:
Sorting A: Specification

  1. The program should read in and sort (in character order) the first NMax characters in a file. Decide what to do if the file does not contain NMax characters.
  2. The output should be a sorted list of the first NMax characters in the file along with their positions in the file. The format should be
    1. Each character on a new line in order.
    2. On each line there should be:  the printed form of each character (if it exists), then two spaces, then the Hex code for each character, and then the original position of each character in the file.
  3. The program should be tested against the following test files with NMax = 10^i for i = 1, 2, ... 6
  4. CountATest1, CountATest2, CountATest3.   The first two are plain text files.  The third has some other characters in it.
  5. Run and time your code on a download of a novel from the online Gutenburg project for larger values of NMax.   Include a report of this test in the ReadMe file.