#include #include #include /* Structure Defs and Bookkeeping */ struct matrix {int m; int n; float** mat;}; struct matrix InitializeMatrix(int m, int n); void FreeMatrix(struct matrix A); /* Input and output */ struct matrix ReadMatrix(char FileName[]); void WriteMatrix(char FileName[], struct matrix A); /* Matrix Arithmetic */ struct matrix MultiplyMatrices(struct matrix A, struct matrix B); struct matrix SubtractMatrices(struct matrix A, struct matrix B); /* Norms etc. */ float NormOfMatrix(struct matrix A); /* Test matrices */ void FillRandomTestMatrix(struct matrix A); /* LinearAlgebra HERE */ /*X struct matrix* XLUDecomposition(struct matrix A);*/ void LUDecomposition(struct matrix A, struct matrix L, struct matrix U); void TransposeMatrix(struct matrix A, struct matrix TransposeA);