2990 Programming Simulation Syllabus

Instructor: Allan Struthers
Office: Fisher 212
Phone: 487-3541
e-mail: struther@mtu.edu
Web Site: http://www.mathlab.mtu.edu/~struther/Courses/2990/
My schedule: https://huskymail.mtu.edu/home/struther@mtu.edu/Calendar.html
Meeting 8-9am M/W/F Fisher 101
Simulation is a powerful computational tool for many scientific problems. Case studies and projects will be drawn from various fields. Prior programming experience is not required; all necessary computational skills will be developed in the course.

This course is intended to introduce simulation as a tool for exploring interesting scientific/mathematical topics. We will introduce and work extensively on all required programming tools and constructs. The class will sproadically meet in the Mathlab rather than our classroom for this purpose.

Projects, HW exams etc.: Much of the course will be group project driven with frequent progress reports to our class. Final and midterm group project presentations will be our exams and we will have a few individual HW assignments. Final project presentations will be presented during the scheduled final exam slot.
Affirmative Action Notice:

MTU complies with all federal and state laws and regulations regarding discrimination, including the ADA Act of 1990. If you have a disability and a need, a reasonable accommodation for equal access to education or services can be made through the Dean of Students office (Gloria Melton 487-2212). For concerns regarding discrimination of any kind, contact your advisor, department head, or affirmative action office.