Getting Started in the Lab
This is VERY OLD and needs to be revised!

To Login: On the login screen:

In a short time, the desktop should appear.

To Open a Console Window: Assuming the desktop is visible on the computer:

Use the mouse to position the screen pointer to an unoccupied spot on the desktop.
Press and hold the RIGHT mouse button to select Workspace Menu / Hosts / Terminal Console, then release the button. A console window should appear.

Notes: The console window allows you to give commands to the Unix shell. To execute a command, type it and any additional arguments the command needs (such as a filename), then press the Return key. Some useful commands are:

ls (for list saved, to see the list of files in the current directory)

netscape (to launch the Netscape application)

mathematica (to launch the Mathematica application)

passwd (to change your password)
pwd (for print working directory, to see what directory is current)

cd mystuff (for change directory, to move to the directory mystuff)

cd .. (to move to the previous directory in the tree)

cp lab2.nb oldlab.nb (to copy lab2.nb, and name the copy ``oldlab.nb'')

rm lab2 (for remove, used to delete the file lab2 from the current directory)

To Change your Password: In a console window, enter ``passwd'' and follow the directions.

To Open Netscape: In a console window: enter ``netscape''. Soon the Netscape window should appear.

To Download a Mathematica Notebook from the Mathlab Webpage: In the Netscape window:

To Exit Netscape: In the Netscape window:

use the LEFT mouse button to select the menu item File / Exit.
Notes: It is a good idea to exit Netscape before opening the Mathematica application.

To Inspect the Contents of your Home Directory: In a console window:

type ``ls'' in the command line of the console window. A list of home directory files should appear.
Notes: If the console window is currently in some directory other than your home directory, you will get the contents of that directory. To see what directory is current, type ``pwd'' (for print working directory) in the console window command line. To put the console window in your home directory, type ``cd'' in the command line.

To Open the Mathematica Application Program:

In a console window: type ``mathematica'' in the command line. (Make sure you spell it correctly!)
In a short time, a Mathematica window appears.
Notes: This is an empty Mathematica window, NOT a previously constructed notebook. Mathematica commands may be entered and executed in this window, but you will want to work within one of the notebooks provided in the course. See the next item.

To Open a Mathematica notebook from within a Mathematica window:

Notes: You may repeat this procedure to get as many notebooks simultaneously open as you wish, but note that they are all running in the same single Mathematica Application program. In particular, NEVER type mathematica on the command line of a console window if you already have Mathematica running, because this will make two Mathematica application programs run and confusion occurs.

To Close a Mathematica Notebook Window:

In a specific Mathematica window: use the LEFT mouse button to select File / Close.
Notes: This action closes only the specific window! It does not stop the Mathematica Application program.

To Exit the Mathematica Application program:

In any Mathematica window: use the LEFT mouse button to select File / Quit
Notes: This makes the Mathematica Application program stop. All Mathematica windows will close.

To Transfer a Copy of a Notebook to Your Partner's Directory:

In a console window, enter ``sendfile <filename> to <username>''. Your partner could then receive the file the next time they log in, by entering ``sendfile'' and following the directions.

To End your Desktop Session:

First, quit all application programs (such as Netscape and Mathematica - but leave console windows open).
Position the screen pointer to an unoccupied spot on the desktop and use the RIGHT mouse button to select Workspace Menu / Log out (or Exit) The computer should return to the login screen.

To Work through a Notebook and Create a Report: With the Mathematica application program running:

Open two Mathematica Notebook windows, the one you wish to work through (e.g. labex1.nb) and the one in which you will create the report (e.g. reporttemplate.nb). Initialize the report notebook by:

deleting all cells except the cell containing many ``info'' entries, and the cell called ``Initialization Cells'' and the ``Date[]'' cell.

replacing each ``info'' with the appropriate information

saving this initialized report notebook to a new file by selecting File / Save As... which opens a Save As window, changing the filename to something like reportlabex1, and click the OK button.

Work through the lab notebook (e.g. labex1.nb) by reading it, executing all command cells (nontext cells), and creating solutions to each exercise.
Each time you complete the solution of an exercise, update your report notebook by copying just the exercise statement and your solution of it into the report notebook and saving the report notebook (select File / Save).
When you have completed this process for all exercises in the lab notebook, you should execute the ``Date[]'' cell in the report notebook and again save the report notebook.
Now print the report notebook and hand it in.
Notes: By keeping your report current, you avoid having to redo your previous work in the case that the Mathematica program freezes (this happens occasionally). You can get a new copy of the lab notebook from the Web and begin work on the next exercise after the one you last saved in the report!

Tamara R. Olson