Chapter 2 and 4.1-4.4
MA 160
For Spring '99:
Test #2 covers ONLY chapter 2, so ignore points 15-19 below.
- What is a derivative? (give at least two answers)
- How can you approximate the derivative at a point from a graph?
- How can you approximate the derivative at a point from a
function given by a formula?
- How can you approximate the derivative at a point from a
table of function values?
- Give a graph of a function f(x), how can you sketch a
graph of the derivative function f'(x)?
- What is the difference between ``average velocity''
and ``instantaneous velocity''? How do you compute
each, given position s as a function of time t?
- Suppose a function f is measured in flugels and
it is a function of x, measured in xiapets.
What are the units of
? - What is the limit definition of derivative?
How is it related to an average rate of change?
Why does it involve a limit?
- Explain why the following two statements are NOT saying
the same thing: (1) ``f is increasing'' vs. (2)
``the slope of f is increasing''. What do each of these
statements mean?
- Given a graph of a function f and a point on
the graph x, what do the following quantities
represent: f(x)? f(x+h)? f(x+h)-f(x)? h?
What do these all have to do with derivatives?
- If a function f(x) is increasing, what does that
say about f'(x)? Does it say anything about f''(x)?
- Suppose we know that f'(x) (the derivative of a function f)
is positive and increasing. What does that say about
the graph of f'(x)? What about f''(x)?
- What does the second derivative, f''(x) tell you about the
graph of f(x)?
- Explain why acceleration is the second derivative of the
position function.
- Given a formula for a function f(x), how do you find the
equation for the line tangent to f at x=3?
- For which kinds of functions do we have formulas for the derivative?
- How can you tell the difference between a power function
and an exponential function? What are the derivative
formulas in each case?
- What are the product and quotient rules? How do you know
if you need to use them?
- What is the chain rule and why do we need it?
Besides thinking about the questions above, here are some other
ways to study for the test:
- Skim through each section of the book and write down
a few words about what the BIG IDEA in that section.
- Practice using the formula for derivatives (Ch.4) by
generating a random quiz (see my web page).
- Re-read your worksheets, and remind yourself what was
the point of each new idea.
- Look at the scoop on reserve in the library.
- Review your quizzes on this material.
- Review your homework on this material.
- Read through the examples in the book, and after going
through each try to summarize the procedure or idea
in a few sentences.
- Memorize formulas that you will need.
- Read through the review problems in the book and decide how you
would approach each one.
Next: About this document
Tamara R. Olson
Wed Feb 17 13:56:10 EST 1999