Computing and Printing the Input Data and Their Average: Version 4

WARNING: This example assumes the output is sent to a printer, and as a result, every formatted output contains printer control.

Problem Statement

The mean, variance and standard deviation of a set of data can be computed with the following formulas:

Write a program to read in a set of real values and use the above formulas to compute the mean, variance and standard deviation. Moreover, this program should generate a table containing the following addition information:

The input data and the table should be printed as follows:

         1    1    2    2    3    3    4
 Input Data:

  No  Data
 === ======
   1   6.60
   2   6.00
   3   4.00
  10   5.20

 Mean               :       6.7100000
 Variance           :       3.3498888
 Standard Deviation :       1.8302702

 Analysis Table:

  No  Data    Dev 
 === ======  =====
   1   6.60  -0.11
   2   6.00  -0.71
   3   4.00  -2.71 <-- Bad
   4   9.00   2.29 <-- Good
   5   4.50  -2.21 <-- Bad
   6   7.30   0.59
   7   9.50   2.79 <-- Good
   8   8.00   1.29
   9   7.00   0.29
  10   5.20  -1.51

This problem was discussed in one-dimensional array processing. Click here to review the previous version for comparison.


! --------------------------------------------------------------------
! PROGRAM  MeanVariance:
!    This program reads in an array and computes the mean, variance
! and standard deviation of the data stored in the array.  Then, it
! displays an analysis table.  If a value is greater than the value
! of (mean + standard deviation), it displays a "good".  If a value
! is less than the value of (mean - standard deviation), it displays
! a "bad".
! --------------------------------------------------------------------

PROGRAM  MeanVariance

   INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MAX_SIZE = 50       ! maximum array size
   REAL, DIMENSION(1:MAX_SIZE) :: Data       ! input array
   REAL               :: Mean, Variance, StdDev   ! results
   INTEGER            :: n                   ! actual array size
   INTEGER            :: i                   ! running index
   CHARACTER(LEN=20)  :: For_Title    = '(A, A)'
   CHARACTER(LEN=20)  :: For_Data     = '(I4, F7.2)'
   CHARACTER(LEN=20)  :: For_Result   = '(A, A, F15.7)'
   CHARACTER(LEN=20)  :: For_Analysis = '(I4, 2F7.2, A)'

   READ(*,*)  n                              ! read in input array
   READ(*,*)  (Data(i), i = 1, n)
   WRITE(*,For_Title)  " ", " Input Data:"   ! display the input
   WRITE(*,For_Title)  " ", "  No  Data"
   WRITE(*,For_Title)  " ", "=== ======"
   WRITE(*,For_Data)   (i, Data(i), i = 1, n)

   Mean = 0.0                                ! compute mean
   DO i = 1, n
      Mean = Mean + Data(i)
   Mean = Mean / n

   Variance = 0.0                            ! compute variance
   DO i = 1, n
      Variance = Variance + (Data(i) - Mean)**2
   Variance = Variance / (n - 1)
   StdDev   = SQRT(Variance)                 ! compute standard deviation

   WRITE(*,*)                                ! display result
   WRITE(*,For_Result) " ", "Mean               : ", Mean
   WRITE(*,For_Result) " ", "Variance           : ", Variance
   WRITE(*,For_Result) " ", "Standard Deviation : ", StdDev
   WRITE(*,For_Title)  " ", "Analysis Table:"! display an analysis table
   WRITE(*,For_Title)  " ", " No  Data    Dev "
   WRITE(*,For_Title)  " ", "=== ======  ====="
   DO i = 1, n
      IF (Data(i) > Mean + StdDev) THEN
         WRITE(*,For_Analysis)  i, Data(i), Data(i) - Mean, " <-- Good"
      ELSE IF (Data(i) < Mean - StdDev) THEN
         WRITE(*,For_Analysis)  i, Data(i), Data(i) - Mean, " <-- Bad"
         WRITE(*,For_Analysis)  i, Data(i), Data(i) - Mean
      END IF

END PROGRAM  MeanVariance
Click here to download this program.

Program Input and Output

If the input data consist of the following:
6.6  6.0  4.0  9.0
4.5  7.3  9.5  8.0
7.0  5.2
The output of the program is:
         1    1    2    2    3    3    4
 Input Data:

  No  Data
 === ======
   1   6.60
   2   6.00
   3   4.00
   4   9.00
   5   4.50
   6   7.30
   7   9.50
   8   8.00
   9   7.00
  10   5.20

 Mean               :       6.7100000
 Variance           :       3.3498888
 Standard Deviation :       1.8302702

 Analysis Table:

  No  Data    Dev 
 === ======  =====
   1   6.60  -0.11
   2   6.00  -0.71
   3   4.00  -2.71 <-- Bad
   4   9.00   2.29 <-- Good
   5   4.50  -2.21 <-- Bad
   6   7.30   0.59
   7   9.50   2.79 <-- Good
   8   8.00   1.29
   9   7.00   0.29
  10   5.20  -1.51


We will not discuss the logic of this program. In what follows, only the output part will be addressed. Please click here for the details of program logic.