Cluster Configuration | User Guide | Administration Guide

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GPU Cluster Administration Guide

The GPU cluster is managed by Docker. The docker containers are monitored by Zabbix.

Overview of the GPU Cluster Logic

Please refer to for Docker Installation.

Please refer to for Zabbix Installation.

Please refer to for adding GPU support to Zabbix.

Administration Operations

Create A New Docker Container

docker run -it --gpus '"device=0,1"' --shm-size=32gb

device can be updated with the index of GPU assigned to PI.

shm-size increases the shared memory size, which is typically useful for memory-intensive AI tasks.

tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu can be updated with other docker images, e.g.,

Attach a disk volume to the container

docker run -it --gpus '"device=0,1"' -v /data/:/data/ --shm-size=32gb tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu

Create a new docker container with a GUI-enabled Docker image.

docker run -it --gpus device=0 -p 2080:80 -p 5900:5900 -e RESOLUTION=1920x1080 -e VNC_PASSWORD=NpIfGCWBJMYr dorowu/ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc

After creating the docker container, please provide the container ID to the users.

Adding A New User

  1. Create a user account on the server sudo adduser [username]
  2. Provide access to docker operations, e.g., attach, start, restart containers.sudo vi /etc/sudoers
    [username] ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/docker
    attach *,/usr/bin/docker
    cp *,/usr/bin/docker
    start *,/usr/bin/docker restart *
    [username] ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/docker cp *
    [username] ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/docker start *
    [username] ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/docker restart *

Monitor Cluster Performance with Zabbix

The cluster is continuously monitored using Zabbix.

The Zabbix server is installed on node0. Zabbix agents are installed on all the nodes within the cluster.

Detailed monitoring information can be accessed through the following URL:

The administrator’s information has been added to the Zabbix system.

Start the container if you accidentally exit it:
sudo docker start [container-id]

Restart the container if required:
sudo docker restart [container-id]

Copy files from/to the container
sudo docker cp [OPTIONS] [container-id]:[src_path] [dest_path]
sudo docker cp [OPTIONS] [src_path] [container-id]:[dest_path]

More details at

If you need a large space of storage (>200GB), please contact the administrator to create a volume for your container without the need of copying the files.