"Merelaniite, Mo4Pb4VSbS15, a New Molybdenum-Essential Member of the Cylindrite Group, from the Merelani Tanzanite Deposit, Lelatema Mountains, Manyara Region, Tanzania." Jaszczak, J.A.; Rumsey, M.S.; Bindi, L.; Hackney, S.A.; Wise, M.A.; Stanley, C.J.; Spratt, J. Minerals 6, 115, (2016). Read More
"New Flexible Channels for Room Temperature Tunneling Field Effect Transistors." B. Hao, A. Asthana, P. K. Hazaveh, P. Bergstrom, D. Banyai*, M. Savaikar*, J. A. Jaszczak, and Y. K. Yap. Scientific Reports 6, 20293 (2016). Read More
"Optically sector-zoned (star) diamonds from Zimbabwe", Rakovan, J., Gaillou, E., Post, J. E., Jaszczak, J. A., Betts, J., Rocks and Minerals 89 (2), 173-178, (2014).
"Simulation of charge transport in multi-island tunneling devices: Application to disordered one-dimensional systems at low and high bias", Savaikar, M. A., Banyai, D., Bergstrom, P. L., Jaszczak, J. A., Journal of Applied Physics 114 (11), 114504-1-12, (2013).
"Nanotech Innovations Enterprise at Michigan Technological University", Jaszczak, J. A., Bouta, E. M., Raber, M. B., Journal of Nano Education 5, 27-43, (2013).
"Room Temperature Tunneling Behaviors of Boron Nitride Nanotubes Functionalized with Gold Quantum Dots", Lee, C. H., Qin, S. Y., Savaikar, M. A., Wang, J. S., Hao, B. Y., Zhang, D. Y., Banyai, D., Jaszczak, J. A., Clark, K., Idrobo, J.-C., Li, A.-P., Yap, Y. K., Advanced Materials 25 (33), 4544-4548, (2013).
"Relationship between structure, morphology, and carbon isotopic composition of graphite in marbles: Implications for calcite-graphite carbon isotope thermometry." M. Satish-Kumar, J. A. Jaszczak, T. Hamamatsu, and H. Wada. American Mineralogist 96 470-485 (2011).
"Developing Nano Education at a Technological University: Science, Technology and Societal Implications of Nano." J. A. Jaszczak and B. E. Seely.In: Nanoscale Science and Engineering Education: Issues, Trends and Future Directions, A. E. Sweeney and S. Seal, Eds. American Scientific Publishers (2008) 591-619.
"Micro- and nano-scale graphite cones and tubes from Hackman Valley, Kola Peninsula, Russia," J. A. Jaszczak, S. Dimovski, S. A. Hackney, G. W. Robinson, P. Bosio, and Y. Gogotsi. Canadian Mineralogist 45, 379-389 (2007).
"Planting seeds: Including nanotechnology education into engineering curricula," J. A. Jaszczak and B. E. Seely. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 931, 0931-KK01-08 (2006).
"Mechanism for Spatial Organization in Quantum Dot Self-Assembly," D. Gao, A. S. Kaczysnki, and J. A. Jaszczak, Applied Physics Letters 86, 133102 1-3 (2005). Also published in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology (http://www.vjnano.org) 11(13), April 4, 2005.
"Naturally occurring graphite cones"
J. A. Jaszczak, G. W. Robinson, S. Dimovski and Y. Gogotsi,
Carbon 41 2085-2092 (2003).
(Preprint version is available
"Monte Carlo simulations of surface phase transitions in a modulated layered structure" D. Gao and J. A. Jaszczak, Physical Review B 67 (2003)
"Multiple length scale growth spirals on metamorphic graphite {001} surfaces studied by
atomic force microscopy"
J. Rakovan and J. A. Jaszczak, American Mineralogist
87 (2002) 17-24.
"Disclinations in unusual graphite crystals from anorthosites of Ukraine"
V. N. Kvasnitsa,
V. G. Yatsenko and J. A. Jaszczak.
Canadian Mineralogist 37(4) (1999) 951-960.
"Roughening and Preroughening of Diamond-Cubic {111} Surfaces," D. L. Woodraska and J. A. Jaszczak, Physical Review Letters, 78, 258-261 (1997).
"A Monte Carlo Simulation Method for {111} Surfaces of
Silicon and Other Diamond-Cubic Materials," D. L. Woodraska
and J. A. Jaszczak, Surface Science 374, 319-332 (1997).
"Monte Carlo Simulation of Dislocation-nucleated Etching of Silicon {111} Surfaces," D. L. Woodraska, J. A. LaCosse, and J. A. Jaszczak, In Modeling and Simulation of Thin-Film Processing, edited by C.A. Volkert, R.J. Kee, D.J. Srolovitz, and M.J. Fluss. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. Vol. 389 (1995).
"Graphite: Flat, Fibrous and Spherical," J. A. Jaszczak, in Mesomolecules: From Molecules to Materials. G.D. Mendenhall, F. Greenberg, and J. F. Liebman, editors. (Chapman and Hall, New York, 1995) p. 161-180.
"Quasicrystals: Novel forms of solid matter," J. A. Jaszczak, Mineralogical Record 25, 85-93 (1994).
"Tailored elastic behavior of multilayers through controlled interface structure," D. Wolf and J. A. Jaszczak, Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design 1, 111-148 (1993).
"Computer simulation of the anomalous elastic behavior of interface materials," D. Wolf and J. A. Jaszczak, in Materials Interfaces: Atomic-Level Structure and Properties, edited by D. Wolf and S. Yip, (Chapman and Hall, London, 1992). p 365.
"Role of interface dislocations and surface steps in the work of adhesion," D. Wolf and J. A. Jaszczak, in Materials Interfaces: Atomic-Level Structure and Properties, edited by D. Wolf and S. Yip, (Chapman and Hall, London, 1992). p 662.
"Thermoelastic behavior of structurally disordered interface materials: Homogeneous vs. inhomogeneous effects," J. A. Jaszczak and D. Wolf, Phys. Rev. B 46, 2573 (1992).
"On the relation between sliding and migration for high-angle grain
boundaries," D. Wolf, S. Phillpot, J. Jaszczak and S. Yip,
Materials Sci. Forum 94-97, pt 2, 487 (1992).
"On the interaction between steps in vicinal fcc surfaces: I. Steps along 001," D. Wolf and J. Jaszczak, Surface Sci. 277, 301 (1992).