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Art Porfolio

We dwell, not just in buildings, but in the fourfold coming together of the material world, living creatures, meaning, and a felt sense of place. We build, not just structures, but the structures of that coming together. jd slack’s pastel images of dwellings bring into being versions of that structure: relations among earth, sky, matter, suggestions of the presence or absence of living creatures, and, always, a sense of occupying that particular place. Never simple, these paintings depict what is complex in as simple and direct a way as possible. 

Doorway Guatemala Aria Beyond Red Built on a Rock Moonrise at Sunset
Egyptian Spring Folds Follow That Thought Full Moon
Guatemala Blue Gautemala Pink Gautemala Yellow The Places We Dwell Red House Over Yonder
Moony Me Northern Lights Precarity Guatemla Stripes