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Movies in Chemical Engineering
Mass Balances, Fluid Mechanics, and Polymer Rheology

Dr. Faith A. Morrison
Department of Chemical Engineering
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, MI 49931

Dr. Faith Morrison

Dr. Morrison has a channel:  Dr.MorrisonMTU
Dr. Morrison has a blog called The ChemE List:

YouTube Videos


Mass and Energy Balances

General Issues
          2013   Keyboard Entry of Equations in Microsoft Word 2010   
          2020  Unit Conversion Issue with Intervals (Temperature, Pressure)    

Macroscopic Mass Balances
2012 Elementary Mass Balances    Handout of this example
2012 Balances on Reactive Systems (Extent of Reaction)       Handout of this example
2013 Balances on Multiple Units Part I  (no Reaction)  Part I   Part II   Part III  Handout of this example
2012 Balances on Multiple Units (with Reaction, with Recycle)    Handout of this example

Macroscopic Energy Balances
2020  Steady State Macroscopic Energy Balances--Heating with Condensing Steam   Handout
2020  Steady State Macroscopic Energy Blances--Heating a Flowing Liquid Stream   Handout

Fluid Mechanics/Momentum Transport

Fluid Statics
2009 Introduction to Manometers: Two Essential Rules

Mechanical Energy Balance
2009 Calculating Flow Rate from Velocity Field - warning!  I accidentally used "A" both as area and as a substitute for some constants. See the Handout where one of the two symbols is now A1.
2009 Short Introduction to the Mechanical Energy Balance
2009 Unit-conversion Issues with the Mechanical Energy Balance   Sheet of hand conversions
2010 Calculating Flow Rate from Pitot Tube Data       Handout

Macroscopic Momentum Balance
2010 Force on the Walls of a Tube in Pressure-Driven Turbulent Flow      Handout of this lecture.
2010 Macroscopic Momentum Balance - Nozzle flow to Tilted Wall  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3Handout of these lectures.

Microscopic Momentum Balance and Engineering Quantitites of Interest
2009 Microscopic Momentum Balances with the Navier-Stokes Equation: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3Handout of these lectures
                   Blank handout of Navier-Stokes in three coordinate systems
          2009 Fluid Force on a Surface from P and v Fields (scalar approach)  Part 1   Part 2    Velocity Field Handout
          2020 Fluid Force on a Surface from P and v Fields (via stress tensor):  Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.  Handouts Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Heat Transfer/Energy Transport

2009 Microscopic Energy Balance in a Slab (1D Rectangular Heat Conduction)   Handout
2020 Microscopic Energy Balance in a Tube (1D Radial Heat Conduction)   Handout

Heat Transfer/Energy Transport
2021 Introduction to McCabe-Thiele (Binary Distillation), Part 1, Part 2, Handout


2011 Dr. Morrison's lecture on fitting linear viscoelastic parameters to small-amplitude oscillatory shear data
Lecture 5:  Fitting LVE Spectra to G', G" Data  posted 10 November 11  Streaming video from 2011  posted 11 November 2011
2007 Dr. Morrison's Polymer Rheology class is available on iTunesU

2006  Shear thickening:  "Walking on Water  "El Hormiguero (Spanish for "The Anthill") is a Spanish television program with a live audience focusing on comedy, science, and politics running since September 2006. It is hosted and produced by screenwriter Pablo Motos and airs on Cuatro, a Spanish television station. Recurring guests on the show include Luis Piedrahita, Raquel Martos, Flipy (the scientist), and puppet ants Trancas and Barrancas.. . .The show achieved some international attention in 2006 for having people walk across a swimming pool filled with a non-Newtonian fluid, an oobleck of cornstarch and water that was mixed in a cement truck. This experiment was performed in an October, 2006 episode of the show and was repeated with a new batch of oobleck on the Christmas Eve special episode due to its popularity." From, accessed 30Nov07

The first day of CM4650 Polymer Rheology class we watch this film:  Rheological Behavior of Fluids.  This film is one of 26+ films made by the National Committee for Fluid Mechanics Films.  Although made in the 1950s and 1960s, these films are still terrific at showing fluid behavior.

2007  The MIT National Committee for Fluid Mechanics Films (NCFMF) are now on the web!  They are available streaming and for purchase download.  The notes are there also in pdf form.

18 Feb 2009  Corn starch/water on an audio speaker.  There is a very interesting video at this link of oobleck dancing on an audio speaker:

Subject:University of Iowa Hydraulics Center Films on Youtube (six films)
user:  universityofiowa

Introduction to the study of fluid motion (1961, 25 minutes)
The first in a widely used series of films on fluid mechanics, produced at IIHR under the direction of Hunter Rouse.
This introductory program, designed to orient engineering students, shows examples of flow phenomena from a host of everyday experiences. Empirical solutions by means of scale models are illustrated. The significance of the Euler, Froude, Reynolds, and Mach numbers as similitude parameters is illustrated.
Dr. Hunter Rouse served as Director of IIHR from 1944 to 1966. During this time, he was instrumental in strengthening IIHRs fundamental research emphasis and in developing teaching programs for hydraulic engineers. Through his writings, research, and global travels, he established IIHR as an internationally acclaimed innovative research and teaching laboratory.

Fundamental Principles of flow (23 min)
Second in the series, this video departs from the essential generality of the first by explicitly illustrating, through experi ment and animation, the basic concepts and physical relation ships that are involved in the analysis of fluid motion. The concepts of velocity, acceleration, circulation, and vorticity are introduced, and the use of integral equations of motion is demonstrated by a simple example.

Fluid Motion in a gravitational field (24 min)
In this third video of the series, which proceeds from the intro ductory and the basic material presented in the first two videos, emphasis is laid upon the action of gravity. Principles of wave propagation are illustrated, including aspects of gen eration, celerity, reflection, stability, and reduction to steadiness by relative motion. Simulation of comparable phenomena in the atmosphere and the ocean is considered.

Characteristics of laminar and turbulent flow (26 min)
The fourth video deals with the effect of viscosity. Dye, smoke, suspended particles, and hydrogen-bubbles are used to reveal the velocity field.
Various combinations of Couette and plane Poiseuille flow introduce the principles of lubrication. Axisymmetric Poiseuille flow and development of the flow around an elliptic cylinder are related to variation in the Reynolds number, and the growth of the boundary layer along a flat plate is shown.
Instability in boundary layers and pipe flow is shown to lead to turbulence. The eddy viscosity and apparent stress are intro duced by hotwire-anemometer indications. The processes of turbulence production, turbulent mixing, and turbulence decay are considered.

Form, drag, lift, and propulsion (24 min)
In the fifth video of the series, emphasis is laid upon the role of boundary-layer separation in modifying the flow pattern and producing longitudinal and lateral components of force on a moving body. Various conditions of separation and methods of separation control are first illustrated. Attention is then given to the distribution of pressure around typical body profiles and its relation to the resulting drag. The concept of circulation introduced in the second film is developed to explain the forces on rotating bodies and the forced vibration of cylin dri cal bodies. Structural failure of unstable sections is demonstrated.

Effects of fluid compressibility (17 min)
The last in the six-video series makes extensive use of the analogy between gravity and sound waves and illustrates, through laboratory demonstrations and animation, the con cepts of wave celerity, shock waves and surges, wave reflec tion and water hammer.
Two-dimensional waves are produced by flow past a point source at various speeds relative to the wave celerity to illus trate the effect of changing Mach number, and the principle is applied to flow at curved and abrupt wall deflections. Axisymmetric and three-dimensional wave patterns are then portrayed using color Schlieren pictures.

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