Menu Structure: Techniques
This menu item provides you with a few advanced features of this system.
These include knot insertion, degree elevation and curve subdivision.
All of these options apply to the current curve.
- Degree Elevation
This will increase the degree of the current curve by one without
changing the shape of curve.
See Degree Elevation
for the details.
- Curve Subdivision
This will subdivide the current curve at a specific value of
u. See
Curve Subdivision
for the details.
- Knot Insertion
This will insert a new knot into the knot vector of the
current curve without changing the shape of the curve. See
Knot Insertion for the
- Knot Splitting
This will split a multiple knot into two, one being a simple knot
while the other being the original knot with multiplicity
decreased by one. Note that this option will change the shape of
the current curve slightly. See
Knot Splitting
for the details.
The next five menu items are used with
Cross Section Design for
generating ruled surfaces, surfaces of revolution, swung surfaces,
swept surfaces and skinned surfaces. See
A User Guide to the Surface Subsystem
of DesignMentor
for the details.