Shane T. Mueller
Michigan Technological UniversityReturn to main site | Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5
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These tutorials are intended for students and researchers who would like to use R in their own data analysis. There are many tutorials and blogs available for R, but many assume a basis of knowledge in the system. Furthermore, many classes assume that the basics of R can be picked up while learning more complex things, like regression and ANOVA.
Some students are able to do this, but many simply do not know where to start. In my experience, the basics are things that can be a challenge, but after working with R for a semester, become simple. But many students and researchers have no clue how to start, and do not have the basic knowledge to bootstrap themselves.
These tutorials are designed for this kind of student. I make no strong assumptions about your understanding of statistics software, data handling, programming, R, or anything. This covers many of the basics that are critical for using the power of R, but does not get into advanced methods. By the end of these tutorials, you should be able to read in your own data to R, explore it, plot it while filtering, make summary tables by condition, and do a few simple inferential tests. Each lesson takes about 60-90 minutes, although to complete the exercises you may need more time.