
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Preprint, Ong BW and Kwok F, A relaxation approach to time-parallelization: a numerical study [ pdf ]
  2. 2022, Mudiyanselage N, Blazejewski J, Ong BW and Piret CM, A Radial Basis Function - Finite Difference and Parareal Framework for Solving Time Dependent Partial Differential Equations, Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation 15(5), 8-23 [ pdf | doi ]
  3. 2022, Azzam J, Henderson D, Ong BW and Struthers AA, Quasi-Newton Optimization with Hessian Samples [ arXiv | code | bib ]
  4. 2022, Azzam J, Ong BW and Struthers AA, Randomized Iterative Methods for Matrix Approximation, Machine Learning, Optimization and Data Science, pp. 226-240 [ pdf | supplementary | bib | doi ]
  5. 2020, Ong BW and Schroder JB, Applications of Time Parallelism, Computing and Visualization in Science, 23:11 [ pdf | bib | doi ]
  6. 2020, Ong BW and Spiteri RJ, Deferred Correction Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations, Journal of Scientific Computing, 83:60 [ pdf | bib | doi | code ]
  7. 2020, Ong BW and Dhamankar SV, Towards an adaptive Treecode for N-body problems, Journal of Scientific Computing, 82:72 [ pdf | bib | doi | code ]
  8. 2019, Kwok F and Ong BW, Waveform Relaxation with Adaptive Pipelining (WRAP), SIAM Scientific Computing, 41(1):A339-A364 [ pdf | bib | doi ]
  9. 2018, Ong BW and Mandal BC, Pipeline Implementations of Neumann-Neumann and Dirichlet-Neumann Waveform Relaxation Methods, Numerical Algorithms, 78(1):1-20 [ arXiv | bib | doi | code ]
  10. 2017, Ong BW, Christlieb AJ and Quaife BD, A new family of regularized kernels for the harmonic oscillator, Journal of Scientific Computing, 71(3):1212-1237 [ arXiv | bib | doi ]
  11. 2017, Christlieb AJ, Cheng Y, Guo W and Ong BW, An Asymptotic Preserving Maxwell Solver Resulting in the Darwin Limit of Electrodynamics, Journal of Scientific Computing, 71(3):959-993 [ arXiv | bib | doi ]
  12. 2016, Iwen MA and Ong BW, A Distributed and Incremental SVD Algorithm for Agglomerative Data Analysis on Large Networks, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 37(4):1699-1718 [ arXiv| bib | doi | code ]
  13. 2016. Ong BW, Haynes RH, Ladd K, Algorithm 965: RIDC Methods – A Family of Parallel Time Integrators, ACM TOMS, 43(1):8:1-8:13 [ arXiv | bib | doi | code ]
  14. 2015. Christlieb AJ, Macdonald CB, Ong BW, Spiteri RJ, Revisionist Integral Deferred Correction with Adaptive Stepsize Control, Comm. Appl. Math. and Comp. Sci., 10(1):1-25 [ arXiv | bib | doi ]
  15. 2014. Causley M, Christlieb A, Ong BW, Van Groningen L, Method of Lines Transpose: An Implicit Solution to the Wave Equation, Mathematics of Computation, 83(290):2763-2786 [ pdf | bib | doi ]
  16. 2012. Christlieb AJ, Haynes RD, Ong BW, A parallel space–time algorithm, SIAM J. Sci. Comput, 34(5):233–248 [ pdf | bib | doi ]
  17. 2011. Christlieb AJ, Ong BW, Parallel implicit time integrators, J. Sci. Comput, 49(2):167– 179 [ pdf | bib | doi ]
  18. 2011. Christlieb AJ, Morton MM, Ong BW, Qiu JM, Semi-implicit integral deferred correction using high order additive Runge–Kutta integrators, Comm. Math. Sci., 9(3):879-902 [ pdf | bib | doi ]
  19. 2010. Christlieb AJ, Macdonald CB, Ong BW, Parallel high-order integrators, SIAM J. Sci. Comput , 32(2):818-835 [ pdf | bib | doi ]
  20. 2009. Christlieb AJ, Ong BW, Qiu JM, Integral deferred correction methods constructed with high order Runge-Kutta Methods, Math. Comp., 79:761-783 [ pdf | bib | doi ]
  21. 2009. Christlieb AJ, Ong BW, Qiu JM, Comments on high order integrators embedded within integral deferred correction methods, Comm. Appl. Math and Comp. Sci., 4(1):27-56 [ pdf | bib | doi ]
  22. 2008. Barber J, Bose C, Bourlioux A, Braun J, Brunelle E, Garcia T, Hillen T and Ong BW, Burning issues with PROMETHEUS, the Canada’s wildfire growth simulator, Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 16(4):337-378 [ pdf | bib ]

Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

  1. 2016. Ong BW, High S, Kwok F, Pipeline Schwarz Waveform Relaxation. Methods in Science and Engineering XXII, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer-Verlag, 363-370, [ pdf | bib | doi ]
  2. 2014. Ong BW, Haynes RH, A Hybrid MPI-OpenMP algorithm for the parallel space-time solution fo Time Dependent PDEs. Methods in Science and Engineering XXI, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer-Verlag, 157-164, [ pdf | bib | doi ]
  3. 2013. Ong BW, Russell RD, Ruuth SJ, An h-r moving mesh method for one dimensional time dependent PDEs, Proceedings of the 21st International Meshing Roundtable, 39–54, [ pdf | bib | doi ]

Un-Refereed Technical Reports

  1. 2015. Ong BW, Iwen MA, Sensing multiscale structures in high-dimensional data, DOE Workshop on Integrated Simulations for Magnetic Fusion Energy Sciences, [ pdf ]
  2. 2012. Christlieb AJ, Melfi A, Ong BW, Parallel Semi-Implicit Time Integrators, arXiv:1209.4297v1, [ arXiv ]
  3. 2007. Ong BW, A new h-r hybrid moving mesh - level set method, PhD Thesis, [ pdf ]
  4. 2002, Ong BW, Sparse Matrix Orderings [ pdf ]